I guess it’s time to move on from this game since … well it sucks now lol
Goodluck everyone!
I guess it’s time to move on from this game since … well it sucks now lol
Goodluck everyone!
Be well, good luck to you!
Terrible change on all fronts.
Tanks already struggle to find a purpose in PVP with their increased damage taken and no offensive buffs to compensate. Effective disruption was kind of their last leg. We saw what happened to BrM when they lost BoF disorient. By giving Dragon Charge to the dps specs you’re further alienating Prot from PVP.
Then there’s the matter of the Prot version having an additional 10 seconds tacked onto the cd. Who is this even for? Because if the rare Prot Warrior with a 20 second cd Dragon Charge was too detrimental for the game, how tf is the situation going to be improved when every Warrior in the BG is running Dragon Charge?
Everything about this needs to be reverted.
I’m not re-subbing and today is my last day
Dragon charge is awful now, why would anyone want a 45 second gap closer vs 30 second heroic leap? The damage buffs to prot was nice but then they nerfed it within the first 2 days of the patch and now were left with less than we had before. Extreme warrior prejudice over at blizzard HQ.
they have AI bots running the show so they can fire more employees and the players/customers too dumb to realize. get out while you can.