Rip mini wings, they really don´t want that ret have any good pvp talent.
and it is precisely what I have been saying in all the blue publications, the paladin cannot shine a little because the entire community demands his head, bro we are finished in pvp, I commented on it in a post about the changes in 11.07 and see this for 11.1 really disappoints me, Blizzard simply hates our class, why not just eliminate us from the game and save us dramas? Seriously, it’s too much of a punishment for the paladin, WHY BLIZZRD!!! BECAUSE!! DAMN
Blizzard only loves casters and DH
They keep adding these talents that nobody will ever take. First that trash turn evil talent that got removed a patch ago and now this invis reveal and lightbearer amop like… come on there is NOTHING interesting or good for ret in terms if pv0
We will continue to play sanctuary, searing glare and whatever uninpactful talent we get.
lol yall are funny af, have you ever seen a class participation graph recently?
ret paladin is number 1 for melee dps by an INSANE degree, seriously it’s such a crazy outlier more than double the numbers of some other classes. To say they aren’t shining or aren’t allowed to be good is legitimately funny.
I agree, but you are talking about PvE, because in PvP it is nothing compared, it is below other meles and other classes, I am not saying that it does not stand out in WoW PvP Leaderboard, but I note a difference, the top paladins that appear there in Most of them are from the Alliance, since they have more outstanding racials, the human racial gives them double trinket damage, anyway, I know they are not the class that is breaking it, but If in this patch they are moderately regular, in the next patch they will disappear when eliminating the PvP talent of Aura of Judgment, goodbye wings, goodbye damage, it will no longer be profitable, the changes they will make are a tremendous nerf, I’m not talking about pve, and I don’t play pve, in this mode they are good and it’s about time, I wish they had the same love in pvp, I can’t forget how many times I was rejected from mythical + and raids, because Simply from Legion to just DF is that in pve they gave a rebound, it was already fair, but I’m talking to you about pvp, if that seems fun to you it’s respectable, I haven’t played pve since then for the same reason and honestly I don’t like it anymore pve, I’m talking to you about pvp, and I know that in 11.1 the ret paladin in pvp is already dead
They are going to kill Ret in PVP if this goes live also im quitting the game got no trust in this ret Dev team clueless idiots
The people who designed Ret are pretty solid.
There are some things that could be better but overall it’s a solid spec.
The people in charge of PVP talents for Ret, hell Ret in PVP, seems pretty clueless.
PVP has it’s own team that does balance and design or at least it used to, we never seem to hear from them.
I guess those new talent would be from them so maybe that counts as “hearing” from them, idk.
Before DF I wasn’t shy about stating there seemed to be a clear bias against Ret in the Dev team overall.
I think they resolved that for PVE but it seems PVP didn’t get the memo.
This has to be a joke DH has been literally ignored since BETA with minimal changes while you guys got reworks on repeat and amazing buffs.
Don’t waste your time, paladins are delusional af