They nerfed brann

yesterday i did all 4 bounty delves t8 easily with my brewmaster at lvl 476, today i cant do ONE with lvl 590 gear, brann just follows me around, does NOTHING compared to yesterday.
Thanks blizz


Brann’s always had some awful AI.

First delve I ran he got stuck on a rock, forgot how to jump off and I had to finish the rest of the delve alone.

In another delve he got stuck in a jump loop and kept jumping on and off of ledges and rocks instead of participating in the fight.

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When he gets on his gryphon he spends the entire time throwing hammers at my imps

+1 to Brann AI being crummy


I will take things that never happened for 1000 bob.


Really? brann doing nothing…hmm mine is spamming health pots like mad man at lvl 12, shooting any and everything with rain of arrows, summoning a literal mecha that fires off a giga wave etc etc…did you do something to upset him or?

i honestly dont know man, this is my brewmaster, check it out. yesterday it was 576. did all easily. Today i just cant do anything. right now i am trying windwalker to see what happens. but as BM it is IMPOSSIBLE

my brann is level 22 or something btw maybe more

My brann gets himself in trouble constantly. Sometimes I want to tell him to stand in the corner and wait till I’m done.

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Hmmm ok i think i see what you mean by nerf…his healing has just plummeted! when i was running with him his health flasks would just absolutely top me off from damn near 1/4 health (the 3 he drops) NOW! im lucky to even get half my health back from said 3…


i am telling you man, they screwed it up

i cant do any delve now, just cant. And i consider myself a decent tank.
Yesterday it was a completely different story.
today anything one shots me and brann does nothing, stays GLUED to me so i cant even play around the boss. Yesterday brann went on his own, which allowed me to use him as a tank of sorts. Not today man, he just doesnt play the same

I’m concerned, Brann is like a noob DPS pulling trash I tried to skip. He would be vote kicked a lot from dungeon groups.


well today he is even WORSE
I think the only way i have to complete delves is to group up, but as SOLO it just isnt doable with my gear


yup i cant, not even as windwalker. Cant be done solo with 590 gear.

I have heard that groups make it easier and right now people are forming random groups like crazy. That might be your best bet, if you’re really wanting to progress fast.

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yea brann can’t take many hits on bosses and he does a bit less damage now but it seems they may have ever so slightly nerfed the mobs and bosses

yeah, today i just cannot solo. My only choice is to do groups before they nerf them as well


Idk im able to do 7 delves only and not 8.

My druid tank is 591 right now elite and trash mob are hitting me like crazy.

Last boss of watery delve in the rining deep is open me apart like a shredding paper, i think they overtuned the delve, because everyone was saying delve week one is the best gear progression.

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doing them in a group is the only way, 596 ilvl right now, cant solo anything

they also nerfed his interrupt I heard. I feel sorry for all the classes (priest) that don’t have an interrupt.

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having the same problem myself. ran all 4 t8 bountiful yesterday. now today im getting destroyed. brann’s dps is noticeably lower and the dmg i am taking is significantly higher.

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a shame they dont tell they nerfed and buffed stuff that makes them harder to run

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