They Made Their Choice Quest Bugged

There is no ghost in this quest. The turn in NPC is First Arcanist Thalyssra and I had a confirmation on the bug on BlizzardCS twitter hours ago.

I reported this shortly after launch this morning. Blizzard is aware per the Blizzard CS twitter response here. Hopefully that helps. Diaries of the Dead is also bugged, just so you’re aware.

Edit: Quest appears to have been fixed in the last 10 minutes. Just went back to check and First Arcanist Thalysra was standing there where the marker states ready for turn in. Diaries of the Dead was also no longer phased. Happy questing.

Not sure why y’all haven’t figured out that horde and alliance have different versions of this quest. Hordies obviously have Thalyssra because the Nightborne are on their side. We alliance are following Shandris Feathermoon and in our version of the quest, we have to talk to a ghost. Stop telling people they’re wrong without taking a moment to figure out if there’s a difference in the quest.


Still bugged for Alliance… might be slated for the patch tonight

Just don’t stand in the circle on the ground when you fight the named mob. I did the first time and it bugged. I dropped the quest and did it over again standing outside the line and it worked just fine.

I had this bug occur as well, I think having DoT spells on the boss pulled it back after it was supposed to run away and bugged the NPC out. I reset the quest, and this time only spammed solar wrath and the boss did a runner like it was supposed to. I could then complete the quest.

This works. Do this if its bugged for u