They Listened!

I think how they have done it in the past was really good.

2200 gave you a weapon, it was a slight advantage… Wasn’t anything game breaking, but it gave some sense of progression with skill and something for a lowbie like me to shoot for.

Also the 2200 set gave you a cosmetic advantage as well, you got the 2200 look… Also as a gladiator you get an AWESOME MOUNT!

I mean let’s be real the gladiator title and mount alone are rewards in themselves that eclipse most competitive games.

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I honestly can’t even applaud Activision Blizzard for this motion. It’s embarrassing that it took major WoW influencers making YouTube videos for them to finally listen. Something that should have been obvious before they even put the vendors onto the beta.

It’s really insulting how out of touch they are with their fanbase.


I’m lost at how OP says “They listened!”. The forum has been alive for ALL OF BFA talking about this. Who knew that 24 hours of an intern putting a PvP vendor in the game wouldn’t “meet our goal”.

I’m honestly upset, that it took community videos for Blizzard to admit it was trash… and given that this is happening at the 11th hour, they’ll rework stats and call it done… which doesn’t FIX anything.


Well check this out the community been spamming the forums with feedbacks for years and they didn’t listen or change anything, now the community made videos about it and they actually made a statement about the situation guess what seem like blizzard like to watch videos more than reading our posts.

Guess next time we want a change or give our feedback we should make Youtube videos instead of posting on the forums.

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I hope a PvP set is added and a bigger pool of stats on the vendor, however please do not add a PvP stat.

The easiest and fastest thing for them to do is “rework stats”. Don’t hold your breath for PvP bonuses or a bigger pool of stats. A bigger pool of stats will make PvE players feel like they need to PvP and upgrade the piece for BiS.

The pvo gear is trash and requires tons of farming

As frustrating as it is, in the last month or so I do feel they’ve listened to the player base a lot more than i recall.

A few examples:
A lot of abilities off GCD
Being less restricted with specs using 1 or 2 hander
Pre-patch scourge event toned down
It seems they’ve made returning to a covenant easier than originally intended
Big class revamps like Shadow Priest
Now they’re finally returning PvP vendors and either better stat choices or a PvP bonus…something missing throughout Legion and especially BFA

Yes some of these are simply fixing mistakes they shouldn’t have made in the first place, but at least it seems things are going in the right direction in terms of Blizz making more of an attempt to cater to fans and actually listen.

Criticise them when deserved and give them credit when deserved. Let’s just hope this trend continues.


The other nice comment in the post i haven’t seen many people talk about:

‘Before starting an arena match, engaging a raid boss, or entering a dungeon, a character in Shadowlands can change their specialization, talents (and PvP talents if appropriate), legendary item, other equipment, active soulbind, and chosen path within that soulbind.’

So before arena you can change your active soulbind AND the chosen path within that soulbind…so apart from your covenant you can pretty much customise everything before each match.

That’s great confirmation, as previously people were worried you couldn’t and you’d be locked into a soulbind or soulbind path for an entire week.

So really i’m quite excited by the direction of SL.

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A rating gate is fine, if it’s realistic. 2400 for Mythic Ilvl is not realistic.

Also why does it have to be a rating requirement and can’t be one of a grind?

Assuming conquest won’t come from random BGs anymore. If that’s the case whats the issue? Let everyone get it, with a crap ton of time and energy.

If you want to bar something bar a piece, like weapon to 2200 or something. Like the old days. If you want to bar the max upgrade, bar it to 2k. There is 100x more people that have 8/12 M Nya then there is people with 2400. Lets not even get started on M+

They lost the “Top end gear requires skill” when they out in M+. Its free loot. Also the same people usually crying about people having mythic loot without “Earning It” are trying to sell carry for said gear.

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Welp…they have a month and a half to figure it out lol…

if you believe this before you see it i have a legion s7 dragon with blue feet and a dominating gladiator’s tabard to sell you

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Because you can’t spam run heroic raids and expect ilvl to improve from the boss loot.

You shouldn’t be rewarded with the best gear in the game by spam queueing casual bg’s. Sorry, but the best gear should come from the hardest content.

No disagreement, the weekly chest giving highest ilvl from an easy key is ridiculous. Hard to fix that, unfortunately, unless the key level was gradually increased throughout the course of the patch. Mythic + is still harder than casual bg’s, though

Well, that’s because people severely out gear the content. Progression mythic raiding early on in the patch is easily just as difficult as pushing 2100 rating. However, as the season becomes inflated, much like how people begin to outgear the progression phase, it becomes easier.
That’s also because there’s much less participation in pvp.

It seemed to work just fine in WoD when Conquest gear was nerfed in PVE. If you had rating you got it earlier, if you didn’t you could get your conquest set just before the season ended.

What was wrong with that?


Have they put something out saying this? Because I don’t see anything for it.

We don’t know if they actually listened.

For all we know, the set bonuses are trash and the itemization isn’t getting better.

If they had said, “we are bringing back PvP power or resilience”, then I would be more excited.

But hey, wait and see I guess.


I really dont see an argument against this. I have 0 issue with someone 500 cr below me having the same gear. If my team is better it wont matter anyway. There is no reason it should not be a fair competition.
I think all rewards should be visual only.


Okay for 1 you keep saying Causal BGs.

Conquest I am assuming no longer comes from causual BGs. So in no form will conquest gear be gotten in Causal BGs.

As to the Mythic Raid, ya sure Mythic raid equiv to 2100, but where did anyone say 2100? The gear is not currently gated at 2100, its gated at 2400.

Afair, conquest gear was never rating locked, aside from the weapon. Conquest came only from rated Play, there was nothing wrong with that system.

Comparing loot drops from Heroic to Mythic, vs PvP and not including the fact that M+ max Ilvl drops in low level and higher key levels simply increase the chance of reward is silly.

Exactly what you just said shouldn’t be, IE higher chance for higher content, is in M+ and still is in Shadowlands.

Besides that, isn’t gear a tool? Why treat it like a prize? Not skilled enough to fight on without it? That was the complaint about Titan forging, “Gear is a tool you don’t need it till your in the higher content.” Thats not true though, you need it in PVP day 1.

This is an MMO not Darksouls. Time invested should show gains.

Oh and to the much less Participation in PVP, ya not really. BRB with the numbers.

Combatant Season 1: 26%
Combatant Season 2: 21%
Combatant Season 3: 18%

Lets Grab Duelist too, for good measure.

Duelist S1/2: 2%
Duelist S2: 1.6%

Now lets look at the respective raids.
AOTC Ghuun: 31%
AOTC Jaina: 29%
AOTC Azshara: 38%

Its not secret that BFA has been a PVP disaster, so Of course we have a declining participation. But look at S1 vs Ghuun they are not that far off.

Cutting Edge Ghuun now? 5.1%. Thats 150% more people that have CE then Duelist, when only a 20% participation in the content difference.

Also there is the whole mess of Mythic Raid Difficulty changing. The last 2 bosses, yes, very hard content. The first 3? The last 2 on Heroic are harder. I successfully pug all of Heroic an the first 3 pretty much every patch, with ease with brain dead people and clear it.

AND thats just comparing Duelist as you threw that out, but Top gear isnt gated to Duelist, its Gated to Glad.

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The way it used to work, way back when IIRC, was that higher rating = faster CP gain = getting conquest gear/upgrade tokens faster. iLvl wasn’t really locked behind rating, which meant that - eventually - everyone could potentially acquire decent conquest gear. Good players were not rewarded with higher iLvl gear per se, but rather they got to acquire, and upgrade, the conquest gear faster.

That’s what it was like in Cata when I first hobbled into the Arenas. I sucked. I was terrible. I got beaten down almost every game. But I still got my conquest weapon - eventually, and that felt GOOD. It was WORTH it. It was a real, solid tangible goal I worked towards. It took me a whole season, but I got it. I didn’t have to push to 2k+, or achieve Glad status… I never would have achieved that. Is this fair? Yes. In the amount of time it took me to get ONE piece of conquest gear by grinding out low amounts of CP at low rating, good players got all of it. That was a better system IMO.

Another thing I’d like to mention: please don’t forget about WPVP! Everybody is talking about instanced PVP, and what would be good for BGs, Arenas, and RBGs… but I hope we don’t forget about WPVP in the process. WPVP (small-scale WPVP, mind you) is my endgame. I do BGs, Arenas, and RBGs for gear, and then I do WPVP. That’s what keeps me in the game more than anything else. I’m wary about the implementation of scaling systems, because it may be more or less difficult to apply in the open world. Yeah, it’s easy enough to apply in instanced PVP… and that’s great for people who want to spam Arenas all xpac, hit 2k+ and stand around in Org/SW looking pretty, but for the rest of us… there’s also WPVP that needs to be taken into consideration. This why I’m leaning more towards the return of PVP-specific stats, which would always be active in any PVP content - WPVP included.

Thanks for your time,
