They listened! Torghast lives on!

Damn, more torghast. That’s unfortunate.


Yeah, I forget when questing in the open world I’m not in Torghast and can’t play the way I do in there lol.

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You’re the reason I can’t live my dream of convoking every GCD because you wouldn’t like being outside of Torghast! I BLAME YOU.


Kidding. But still wish they wouldn’t be so draconian about the power in there. Seriously, let people be stupid OP, it’s not like it actually matters. Booo.


9.2 developers preview that was shown earlier this month

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Oh, joy. More to collect from Torghast. I’ll just add the new items to my 19 uncollected shoulder pads. I kid you not. There’s like 50 collectable shoulder pad appearances from Torghast.

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Unless there is something unique in reward i ll pass , unique as in NO RECOLOR .

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There was no scenario where they were going to bail on Torghast. They’ve spent too much on it.

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I thought they were going to bail. They’ve kind of “semi-bailed” on it anyways, since the power-progression you can get from it you can get doing M+, raid, and daily content in Zereth Mortis,so you’ll only play Torghie if you actually like it (good, because it can be fun) or if you want the prestige cosmetic stuff.

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You should be careful :slight_smile:
You specifically said “Dance Studio” and what a “Dance Studio” is might be different from person to person.

says “New dance mini-game at the Darkmoon Faire”

“Dance mini-game” might be different than what someone means by “Dance studio”


Oh, Superman Clark is still keeping us up with WoW news, eh?


Dance mini-game


Dance studio, as promised from Wrath box and still not yet delivered.

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Players: “stop removing content! bring content into the next expansion and keep it relevant!”

Also players: “abandon this trash content!! !! !”


While fair, how does adding time played without adding a more advanced quality experience mean the content is somehow objectively nor subjectively better?


I’ve never known what players wanted or meant when they said “dance studio” but your comment here led me to

It was said that you’d be able to go there and pick up scintillatingly sensual new dance moves, or you know, parodies of newer bumps, grinds, thrusts, and slides from pop culture.

You guys just want to change the dance of your character?

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I’d be impressed if they made it relevant after the expansion. Not necessarily relevant as in the way it is for legendaries, but with meaningful rewards and progression.

The doomsayers win whenever a new expansion begins is the thing. Still waiting on them to break that cycle.

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it’s only fun if it drops rewards?

that’s a pathetic stance.

The WoW dance studio in concept would have been the chance to have the player design a singular dance pattern and sequence while also selecting the music accompaniment.

The issue is, Blizzard never put it in. Check Youtube for some of the WoW Dance Studio sequences. The one you’re looking for includes a Human Male doing the Blood Elf Male’s dance.

And downright killing it…

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I believe at the time the idea was “get dances from other races” so if you liked the Tauren dance but you played a blood elf…

Not really sure what the issue was, but 3-d models, rigging, and animation is one of those aspects of programming/gamedev I have zero knowledge about. Maybe the skeletons are too diverse and they didn’t realize how much effort it would be? Though seems silly to not realize that before yanno…the time to print the box came up.

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Knowing exactly 0 about business marketing let alone marketing for a game, I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard (from 2005/2006 mind you) thought of what they wanted and made the box art before learning of the complexities that would be involved.

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