They just ruined decimation

Now it can only proc from direct attacks. So basically it almost never procs.

Thanks blizzard, you really saved the day.

I was right, this is another case of “fun detected” What a joke. Didn’t even adjust the proc rate.

Literally no one was complaining about the proc rate, it felt really good to use for like the entire time we had it, and you just saw it fit to ruin it for some unknown reason. Do you have a problem with fun blizzard?

Aside that, now the capstone is garbage. Was that also in your calculations? Or you just didn’t think about anything other than whatever problem you had with this ability.


Lotsa things are bugged. Lock is meh right now. And they fix “decimation”
How about you fix everything and then push the hotfix.
I don’t get it. It is not that we were doing 1mil sustained dps…

I have no idea what they are doing, but it’s pissing me off.

Tuning is expected, but not like this. This is just a bad change.


Their fix is not a tuning, it is a decimation…


It’s actually mind boggling how many of our talents are bugged and broken. But their priority is to nerf a capstone, and in doing so invalidate 3 talent nodes on the right side of the destro tree. Without channel demon fire proccing this, no one is going to take the node or it’s supporting nodes. Destroy isn’t even in a spot that’s strong. We’re not doing 700k DPS off of two buttons, shamans and hunters.

It’s actually insane, the play between the capstone and channel demon fire was fun and engaging gameplay. Removing that kills the right side of the talent tree, and makes it clear the devs working on warlock don’t know what people want. While we’re at it, buff chaos bolt. I don’t want my best single target build to be spamming rain of fire. Devs right now in their troll arc.


Yea, i’m also not happy about this.

All 3 lock specs are bottom 5 in the logs. They are not “meh,” they are garbo.


IF you are really really good you can push to 520shk with destro. that’s a big if though =)

I do not understand at all… The beta has been around. You had alpha. Fix it already…

Pre patch is always a mess in terms of balance, what i have problems with is changes such as these.

I don’t care about the balance. Lots is just bugged as hell.
Cannot go demo again, destro is just roflmao rof rof rof

It’s proccing plenty often for me? Maybe it just used to proc even more lol

It has nothing to do with how often you think it’s proccing. It has to do with the fact the made it so channel demonfire CANNOT proc it anymore. Effectively destroying a consistent means of getting a proc, while also invalidating the right side of the talent tree. There was no reason for this nerf, and most people in the beta actually praised the interaction. You would at most get 1 proc per channel. But it guarantees it and allows for a fluid gameplay and less rng, while giving us a great reason to take CDF and it’s buffing nodes. Instead they decide to delete this interaction, forcing us to rely rng, and the possibility of immolate dropping because of bad luck. It’s a garbage change from devs that clearly don’t listen to what the community want, and don’t know how to balance the class. The fact Rain of Fire is optimal in single target and chaos bolt hits like a when noodle should make this apparent.


Yes, channel demonfire is no longer proccing it.

That’s the first thing i noticed when trying it.

It’s especially bad in aoe.

I don’t know what compelled the devs to do this change, but it was stupid.

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