They just keep nerfing shadow

This idea that Spriest scales well with gear so needs to be nerfed is nonsense. In Castle Nathria, Spriest was roughly 3rd/4th place for single target. It was the nerfed because “gear scaling”. How did that pan out? Check out warcraft logs:

[Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft](h ttps://

Spriest is a dumpster tier, unplayable spec after the 9.1 nerfs.

And now there is mathematically, absolutely zero logical reason that further nerfs can in any way be justified.


Spriest is a dumpster tier, unplayable spec after the 9.1 nerfs.

Priest is the lowest-damage class in the game currently. Literally at the bottom, looking at overall logs. That’s not an exaggeration or hyperbole.

Note that I said class and not spec. That’s because every other class can spec into a damage spec that out-performs shadow. And they very regularly do.

I’m not trying to say spriest lacks strengths - it clearly has them. Single target, execute, survivability, and dispels. And I enjoy shadow. So I wouldn’t, for my experience, call it unplayable.

Like many priests here, however, I am “making it work.”



I’ll probably be playing casually in 9.2, but considering the state of shadow I probably won’t be playing my priest. :confused:

Shadow will be S tier in pvp and b-c tier in raid/m+… not the bottom but not the best. nothing to cry over. slight tweaks are warranted. but this is the wow forums where if you’re not OP/FOTM your last.

How exactly will shadow be S-tier in pvp? Pallid command is getting a 40% nerf…

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Because the basic mechanics of S-Priests are S tier in pvp. ex-instant CC, instant burst, multiple DRs, fade, swap, lots of outplay potential. Plenty of things offset this. Nerf will only suck for bad spriests hardstuck at 1500.

I wonder if Venthyr will come back.

Mind Games damage doesn’t seem to scale properly though so doubtful.

I am wondering where the nerf to devouring plague is. They seem to have reduced the damage on that once each patch. Kinda curious what the dmg was on the PTR, geared up.

I don’t really see Venth coming back, unfortunately. Venth performs best when you can stand in the shade bonus with the Theotar soulbind (huge mastery buff). There is so much movement required in the new raid that a Venth player will be constantly required to move out of the shade buff zone.

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It’s more that the covenant legendary is bad and mind games is the least dps of all our cov spells in pve. If the cov legendary was a flat %crit given when you hit mind games (similar to lock’s soul satchel leggo), instead of the weirdness it currently is, it would likely get played in M+ this tier. As it stands it’s not a reliable enough dps increase to be worth it.

I sent some conquest boxes over to do some pvp as disc right before 9.2 and had so much fun. Trying to do this new zone as shadow has me wanting to quit playing the class. Playing Shadow is easily the least fun i’ve ever had in this game.

Be on the look out for the tuning patch that always happens right before mythic raiding opens. A small chance Shadow could be tweaked.

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40% is a huge nerf

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Hopefully not even more nerfs

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