They had the Balls, and Actually did it!

Blame the writers. If you read the books prior to BFA Sylvanas is an isolationist and didn’t even want to invade Gilneas or attack Theramore. But the plot demands war and the only way they know how to write one is by throwing the Horde under the bus.

5minute flag. A flag that goes away when you use a flight master… oh so scary.

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Exactly. I figured they wouldn’t bother changing that.

It has nothing to do with being scary. It’s ANNOYING when you have other things you want to be doing and PvP is NOT one of them, but you’re being forced to PvP. (Or spend forever flying around everywhere to get rid of it.)

Does the ghoul have the explode option still? If so you can just blow yourself up as soon as you turn.

It’s not even like I hated Horde. I LIKED Thrall and Vol’jin. I like Baine. I liked Cairne. I never really liked Forsaken or Elves in general so Sylvie and Lor’themar were ‘eh’. Also not really into Goblins, but hey they’re the quirky part of the Horde so it’s fine.

Then Garrosh tries to make my character into a monster and then Sylvanas actually succeeds against my wishes in doing so.


thats it, everyone self quarntine in alternet timeline and get used to facebook gaming. the virus has hit azeroth lol

It does, and plus unlike WoTLK you have flying mounts everywhere now… So ya know. Zombies likely won’t even be able to reach you.

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I had to google for their names. So you’re talking about Sylvanas and Nathanos? Oddly enough, I have two tauren characters. Seems like I’m able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. This is telling.

In a nutshell. I’m all for the idea. I’m not for the idea if its implemented like it is on PTR.

Especially when you go to kill Nathanos. You get infected, you die, you’re flagged. You return … if horde are present trying to kill him … and they’re flagged … killing him becomes a forced PvP event.

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…? So because I didn’t participate in content I found objectionable… I can’t distinguish fantasy from reality? Is this really your argument?

Grats on CE

When it comes to playing video games, absolutely.

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omg, that recorder, ahahhahahhaaa

That’s how I play!

on ptr all zombos are level 50 too, so if you arent max, you may as well just not even login if they dont fix the zombs

I usually find it to be at least mildly the case if a person can’t make themselves participate in evil deeds. It means they can not remove themselves from reality enough to enjoy a fantasy. They are bound by the laws set in place by our own society. These are usually the same people that spew for hours about how you are not allowed to enjoy a genocide story in fantasy.


Cool then I don’t see an issue. Just stay in the air like most people already do anyway. If you need an AH ask for a long boy.

Honestly they should add a reason to fight zombies. Like kill 50 zombies get “Zombie Hunter” title. Kill 100 get a toy that turns you into a Zombie.

If it had rewards I bet people would complain less.


There is some achievements involved I believe. I feel like I got one on PTR but there was so much going on I didn’t pay attention lol.

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the problem with lowbies and the zombies is, the ghouls are everywhere, wanna level? nope spawn camped. outta luck.

I’m failing to see the truth in this. Why am I not allowed to have a moral compass when I play a game?