you really going to talk about “waste of time” while you post on a forum that’s not even used by the Devs for a 20 year old MMO.
It’s like saying coin flipping has been your hobby for the past 20 years and then you said to someone on a dead coin flipping forums “Yeah don’t bother flipping the coin more than 1000 times in one day other wise the math you have to do after rewards can be a waste of time” Huh?
No way. It caused an extremely bad look for the game when new players asked how to level efficiently and the first thing they were told was to buy a token and go spend 30k gold on heirlooms.
Boring heirlooms are fine. But if they’re gonna be boring then it’s time for the cost to get chopped too.
Were these trash mobs the dreadpetals by any chance? I believe they provide fewer xp compared to other trash mobs in Everbloom due to how many there are and how little health they have in comparison.
Ya know what bro, you weren’t wrong. Other than not knowing where I’m going sometimes I’m doing pretty ok tanking these time walkings my dude. Insta Que too sheet.