They give XP buffs, then remove the XP, makes no sense!

its been like this since legion…

You want a level from every dungeon? HAHAHAHAHA

The Daily Lore question during the Anniversary should have gotten all of your 70s to mid-77. That was about 30 minutes per day.

3, sometimes 4, TW dungeons at any point during the event would have placed each character in position to reach 80 during the event.

Napkin math: 65 characters, worst case 4 dungeons per character, is 260 dungeons. Event lasted 75 days. 260/75 is not quite 3.5 dungeons per day as a worst case scenario.

How you have any non-80s at this point starting with all 70s is kind of curious.

from what i experienced if you level up in a dungeon you lose the extra mob kill xp

To be fair I barely touched WoW for 3 weeks from before Christmas until after the new year because I got pretty sick

Ill never get used to watching the entitlement induced meltdowns that people have over the most minor things.

people are just too spoiled at this point, the uber fast leveling just treating all the leveling content as disposable and devaluing years of development. Its blizzards fault really but in the end, the game becomes less and less like a MMORPG, and more like an instanced hub game. they try to pretend so hard that the world in WoW matters while treating it like a stubborn stain that wont wash away.

Having 55% in total XP gain buffs and rested XP and then expecting it to be quick and it moves at what feels like snail/regular speed IS an issue

Furthermoore, I did a Everbloom on a level 72 that didn’t yet have the full 30% timeways buff and it felt like I got more XP, like mobs were saying I was getting like 800XP with 339 bonus XP

How is it same dungeon, 2 diff toons, 1 is getting MORE XP but has less buff…PLEASE make it make sense!!

In all the time I have been playing I have never, not once had XP removed from my main or any alt.
Where are you seeing this?

Another person who didn’t understand my post

The trash mob XP in timewalking dungeons is basically nothing as you level up

Low levels they give a lot, but about 75+ they start to give nothing

XP from a mob shouldn’t change

Like my example stated my level 72 warlock that I didn’t get the 30% timeways buff yet was getting 800XP + 339XP from trash in Everbloom while this toon was higher level (level 77) and was only getting like 300XP+ a 139ish XP bonus from the same mob WITH the 30% timeways buff

Something is super super wonky but having more XP gain buff doesn’t seem to actually be more XP

ETA: And for anyone wondering, I display XP gains in chat on every character I level

depends on the dungeon, vanilla and tbc dungeons are mob city

I was comparing the exact same dungeon(Everbloom)

For the longest time completing the dungeon has been worth more than the xp of the mobs in it.

Remove xp buffs… lol

Depends. Lower levels I can get 50% of a level or more just from mob XP, I get close to that in a “normal” War Within dungeon, but then end of dungeon XP is bad.

They should if they aren’t ACTUALLY helping, it feels like a lie…like a decoration. For having 55% + rested it does NOT feel any faster

You still level insanely fast compared to what it used to be. Yes the 20th anny buff really helped it but really all it means is 70-80 your not always going to get a full level per run. I think on my Warlock I was 3 exp from 80 when I finished what I thought was going to be the last instance.

Think he got used to the assortment of buffs from the anniversary event, stacked with the 5 at max buff and the Dark Moon faire buff. You could gain a level every 40 seconds or so. (I know, it is exaggerated for illustrative purposes.)

No they didnt.

The real xp is end of dungeon bonus

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Wasn’t the anniversary a global xp gain?

Turbulent timewats is only end of dungeon bonus xp right?

Can be wrong of course

i agree, it’s stupid that they removed heirloom xp and the XP pots but then go back on that and give you a warband xp buff and the turbulent times xp buff…