They ever going to bring back the fire cat feral form?

I always wanted that, I still only have the basic form, I wasn’t playing the game when it was out, or when it was I wasn’t interested. Will they ever bring it back/is there a way to get it still that I am unaware of?

You can get it, go get the staff like you had to previously. Unlocks the form.

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what staff? i didnt know it was based on an item

Firelands. Majordomo Staghelm. He drops a staff which unlocks fire kitty.


it always was.

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ty for the help and info, is it weekly lockout or something btw?

Tbf if you didn’t play firelands, you probably wouldn’t know.

The staff in question has the icon of a fire kitty, you can’t miss it.

And yes, weekly lockout. It’s a raid.
I’d run it on 25m for max loot drops.

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yeah i honestly had no idea, i just saw it and wanted it myself. either way tyvm i appreciate the help

If you have multiple druids you can try multiple times a week FYI.

There is also a legendary staff that turns you into a dragon that you can get, but I’d look up a guide on that one.

Rare item that lets you just turn into the firecat without the staff. Drops in there.

Lol they made it a toy? I’ve always had fire kitty since Cata so I never knew xD

i believe after you equip the staff the form is available to be changed to via the barber

Yeah, apparently the toy is no longer needed since they added druid form to the barbershop.

Get the staff (Fandral’s Flamescythe), and the firecat shows up as a permanent option there.

I guess the toy is if you want a sudden firecat out in the world, or just before they made that change.

is the staff the smoldering censer of purity? that’s all i see for his loot staff wise

it is in the barber shop if you looted the staff from firelands which is easy to get

It’s Fandral’s Flame Scythe. In-game, it looks like a fire kitty. Edit because I am running on 0 sleep :wink:

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Glyph of the feral chameleon with also turn you into a fire kitty, from time to time

:point_up: dis is true. I have it for my kitty. Once you obtain it you can select the fire cat form as your cat form appearance.

oh i didnt see it under the loot tab weird