They claim that pre-made teams aren't stacked

Sorry did you miss the link, here i got you!


You’re forming AV premades outside of the game, why aren’t they allowed in the game like AB/WSG/EOTS? It’s a simple on/off switch.

I dont make the rules bud i just play by them.


Ya, I’m just informing you the rules are likely going to be fixed soon. Good luck.

I mean… this is a smoking gun for you.

You have to admit, you can’t call it cheating now if the last word on the subject was “not an exploit”.

I understand your new position to be “they might decide it’s cheating later”. I’ll even agree that’s a possibility.

But it’s definitely not currently cheating.


That’s a single GM saying they aren’t banning people right at that moment 15 years ago, calm down.

Im sure that “single” GM had the say to speak for all of blizzard, which is why he said what he said.

As such that is the last time any blue has posted about if its allowed or not.

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That settles it.

I’m joining a premade.


Oh I’m calm.

But from your posts, I would say you probably aren’t.

It’s the same as was with multiboxing. It got a couple posts back in TBC, then nothing for like 12 years, during which time it was allowed.

Then they changed their policy. Now it’s not allowed.

I’m sure they can change their policy here too. But until it is changed, it’s not cheating. And I doubt they will punish for it before changing the rules.


Yeah, I see it. (Drink spammed it, after all.) I’ve acknowledged it wasn’t officially cheating. My stance has been that it should be.

We didn’t have cross-realm communication back then the way we do now. People are playing the game differently, as well. I’m pretty sure the rules will change soon.



This has always been your most nonsensical argument, frankly.

The level of coordination applied here could be easily attained by simply joining the BG voice chat. They aren’t fixing for any premade comp advantages (aside from be max level and have the trinket) and even then, there’s a ton of pugs in the games they can’t control for that don’t fit that comp.

The more I think about this, the more I realize it’s a non-issue you’ve blown out of proportion.

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TBH, I really don’t think punishment is realistic, unless someone’s being really ridiculous with it. I also don’t see it being retroactive, should they decide to take punitive actions.

All I want is to be able to queue up by myself and be able to have a reasonable shot at a fair game (fair from both sides.)

Our “community” has essentially trashed PvP for Classic.

There’s a difference between coordinating during and coordinating before. Previously, folks weren’t coming from different realms trying to get into the same AV. They were guilds queueing as a raid. The circumstances have changed.

I actually don’t know why folks don’t just encourage the in-game chat during BGs. You don’t need to link a Discord server or have anyone jump through any hoops in order to be able to use it.

In theory.

But in practice, as in what’s going on currently? No.

Think critically about it. If all you’re guarenteeing by queueing this way is that some people will be in disc with you… and I guess that they’re level 70/have the AV trinket…

Is that significantly different than if people were to join BG voice chat before the gates open? You’d still have the same communication ability, you wouldn’t have the entire BG in there same as this, and it would be up to people to join the chat and listen/talk respectfully, same as this.

This is a molehill. It’s different than how the game was before, but it’s no mountain.

Its not how it used to be, you literally just click “First Available”, there is no premading before the game. Then once in game someone links discord and people join. Horde are trying to do this as well but no one is joining their discord.

When did Don Ameche invent the telephone?

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straight from the mouth of blue /thread

My 39 friends and i just go to our local internet cafe and countdown our av queues in person. Dont even need a program.

We dont always get in the same AV but usually have enough for a good ol stompdown.


I got you BB.


Lol. A 700+ post crybaby extravaganza wrecked by a single Blue post.