I mean how dumb would you be to join a solo shuffle as tanks?
People who got 0 awareness or skill, not a viable target so u get away with being bad and not get direct blame? May be, just my guess.
Applies to all the bdks prenerf.
I don’t enjoy qn above 2.2 MMR.
My MMR and Cr start to climb I leave or intentionally lose or troll.
It’s not fun to climb to 2.1 and higher just to wait for 35-40 minutes to play with people who don’t push their buttons.
I used to q my healer to 2.1 or higher too but the problem exists with DPS and healers.
People just don’t push their buttons.
This makes ss extremely frustrating because you can’t get enough good lobbies to offset bad lobbies in a time efficient manner.
I saw two prot warriors last night in a BGB. They both tried running the flag and couldn’t even make it past the middle of the map.
They really don’t belong in PvP at all.
I tried PvP once, as a healer. Spent most of the game stuck in CC loops unable to press my buttons and had no help from DPS. Ever since, ive said screw it to pvp, i play games to press buttons, not to be the testing dummy for setting up cc loops
Yeah, spec is unplayable and needs buffies. Losing to a prot warr is a borderline reportable offense.
I don’t think you got the overall message of my post. It’s one thing to queue as a prot warrior and it’s another to lose the game for your team by trying to carry the flag. Playing as a tank in itself should be a reportable offense.
Nothing wrong with playing bad specs.
Tried playing brewmaster, lol how pathetic it was, easy to kill no dam.
Yeah, brew needs help.
I don’t even consider tanks as specs. They’re just a headache whenever you see them. The overall objective of being a tank is to be as little of a liability to your team as possible.
That never stopped you from trying.
Yeah idk man. I think you’re aware of how unfun you make the game when you play tank.
I’m convinced anyone who plays tank is a psychopath.
I make the game considerably less fun as Fury.
It’s not a challenge.
I stand at a very reasonable 3’11’’ (4’3’’ if you include the ears).
I don’t think it’s ever “dumb”, I think people Queue as tanks for a few reasons. Sometimes it’s the class fantasy aspect. Other times it’s commitment to a “main” that they’ve had for a while.
MOST OF THE TIME, However, I think it’s that they don’t want to deal with the stress of being a kill target and want to eschew responsibility.
I think the vast majority of tank players in arena (and a lot of people who avoid arena in general) don’t like the team deathmatch format, because they don’t like the stress associated with being a kill target.
^^^Not necessarily no awareness or skill (although that does apply sometimes), but mostly this^^^
So… you’re afraid or frustrated of reaching a spot where it’s too hard to climb, so you self handicap by losing on purpose so you have a reason to blame other people instead of yourself. Got it.
Hey…I actually have been enjoying prot in ss.
Feels like BrM brings nothing to the table anymore. No breath of fire disorient, clash and ox kick is monk wide now, the only redeemable thing is Avert Harm that allows u to stagger 20% damage off your team but is in a 45 sec cd and is useless when u flop so easily.
Probably same height as a thunderbluff prairie dog.