These tank nerfs are terrible top to bottom

Me watching everyone screaming about tank nerfs

“First Time?”

Seriously though, we’ll survive - we always do. Changes come and go and Blizz has corrected their choices sometimes so there’s that. Just hang in there!

Maybe you do, but the overall tank population says otherwise. Now even worse once new tanks hear that their own role is even weaker.

Clawg. No

Tanks need further nerfed.

  1. You should not be able to solo boss fights.
  2. You should NOT be out dpsing geared dps.
  3. You should NOT be out healing a healer.

Tanks are way too OP and need to be brought down a peg.

You shouldnt be soloing everything in the game.


I think this is more of a problem with how scaling works. Ever since they’ve implemented this ilvl scaling tech, they have never been able to balance the game. It’s more of a mess today than it was before all this nonsense.


Yeahz i agree.

The scaling is jacked up. And i think they base it off of maximum item level currently.

It needs to be removed. And they just keep using the tech.

You literally described a rogues utility


A druids utility

Running flags

Keep WM off noob

With some of the sky is falling dramatics, you’d have thought it was a 50% damage reduction nerf.

I tanked around that ilvl. Pally takes almost no damage during cds which are all on like a 1 min cd or less.

idk in my groups trash does not last more than 15 seconds and it’s def not because of the tank’s dps, then again we’re a 5 man group, not pugs dying to stuff before the tank gathers stuff.

i cant believe how ya’ll are scared of 10% more damage. healers barely have to heal as is now. what’s a measly 10% gonna do.

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I think the worst part is that they don’t know the difference between a prot warrior and a brewmaster monk.


Never had my pugs dying while I gather either. Wierd flex.

Most of us have been playing this game for a long time. We have many reference points to how tanks played when they were not gods. Them playing like absolute idiots and ruining the fun for everyone else is 100% related to them being ridiculously overpowered.

Unfortunately many of us have now realized that the only reason tanks cared about the rest of the group was because they did not want to die themselves. When that is removed, most of them simply do not care about anyone else.


How many Brewmasters have you seen behave like this, the last 2 weeks?

Just wondering.

The problem is with how terribly tanks have been playing lately that they have been f’ing around at the 8-9/10 level but a 10% nerf is only a 1.5/10 on the find out level.

Tanks need to have their self healing/absords reduced by 50%, their damage taken increased an additional 20%, and their damage reduced by 10% to be properly balanced and for them to find out appropriately.

Buff healers to compensate.


Haven’t seen any Brewmasters.

Don’t buff Brewmasters though. Nerf Brewmasters and nerf everyone else even more to align tanks at the appropriate level they should be at.

But they didn’t do that. And they’re not going to do that. And it’s that monumental, lazy incompetence on the class team’s part that is particularly frustrating.

I agree with this and hopefully Bliz will do it if Tanks continue to mess around and make tge game miserable for everyone else.

What type of paranoid hallucinations is this? For current content there are far more groups waiting for healers than tanks and this has been true every single day since the expansion launched.

Clearly you are not looking at actual gameplay. Across my initial mythic world tour, i watched Gdruids, Blood Dks and Prot Warriors pull 25% of the instance at a time…literally just run to the first boss and LoS all the mobs…zero difficulty in keeping the aggro and their health.

This is not good gameplay, and tanks needed to be brought down. If you are sad because your spec is no longer brainless smashing of your face against the keyboard, then be sad…and go play Ret…

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