20,000 x 15=300,000 and you said it took 15 hits, this would mean your healer would have to have not healed you for 15 globals, unless you are talking about Rapid Fire which would make it around 8 globals of not healing you. Sounds like you just weren’t paying attention
Never heard of it. Is it one of those cults like ruin gaming?
I love that fact because it gives me a sense of perspective and helps me remain objective to class balance as a whole.
Glad to hear that mage is your favorite! It’s a super unique class.
Definitely not spying, though. Having information freely available for people to look up is great for the game. It helps provide access of builds, comps, and gives perspective to other playstyles and experience of other players.
And i dont think you really believe that im crying. I think youre either trolling or just want to feel right about something even if youre wrong. And thats okay. Not looking to get in a discourse of feelings.
Yeah. Lol One of the full-raid in PVP area gank squad/40 man premade in EBG type guilds.
Regardless of the amount of globals or w/e may have happened I died before either my healer or I could react. Literally popped pact off the bat when the hunter popped cds and just flopped. It needs to be addressed.
That’s not fair. If something takes you three globals to react and you die, thats very much on you/the healer. While obviously those 100-0 in a single global moments from ret/war or fdk/evoker shenanigans shouldnt exist, if you react too slowly then you should die.
No class should be immortal because they eventually press a defensive button. If that were the case every game would be 15 minutes long.
Again, you shouldnt just live through cds because you pressed a single defensive (especially one that lasts 20 seconds and is useable in stuns on a 1 minute cd).
Lmao. 1144? Nice. Trying to say RSS should matter, then you should also understand that 2.4k as ret is like 1.4k or less on everything else.