Nobody said it would hit that hard with crits, I simply said it could crit which means it can be more than 90-100k~ which is more than anything in the entire game can hit in a single global in pvp combat. Yes, it usually or never gets used in arenas but in rbgs forget it you just get destroyed from 8 miles out because they are equipped with a .50 bmg rifle.
I’m the troll? Hilarious. You’re a frost mage, and you’ve been complaining about ret paladin since the rework. Initially, I had a single tear for you, but now I don’t feel bad at all. Any half decent frost mage should easily destroy ret. It’s disgusting how you seemingly keep championing nerfs to a class that has a chance of beating yours. Log out.
It’s also obvious that you haven’t played recently or maybe you have and you’re just blind until you see a pink nameplate and only count seeing those classes every que. There’s been a resurgence of assa rogues, an abysmal amount of warlocks, mainly destro and demos, hunters every single game and then the occasional frost mage that will drain your solo shuffle rating harder than your gf did last night. But I wouldn’t expect you to play anyways, since you dropped from your 2400~ rating you had a week or two ago to 2300. How thats possible on a frost mage is beyond me.
I’m not arguing that MM is perfectly balanced, the upfront burst is probably a bit overtuned sure. Tho the crit reduction in .10 will probably bring them back in line, but we’ll have to see.
All I’m saying is that sniper shot is never hitting for a quarter million. As you claimed.
There is enough strengths to the spec to complain about with just making up things out of thin air.
Yes. It’s still a joke. It didn’t morph into anything else by itself, don’t worry. I should have also added in frost mage doing 70k instant casts the entire game on an ability that has no cd but I felt the mm post would get more attention. For whatever reason, it seems people hate hunters more than mages.
I have more than 0 games played, and I’m actually able to read and parse through data which seems to be an impossibility for melee players. Only rated 2k on ret is a big fat L
Just leveled a week ago. Not too sure why you’re upset. Your life is pretty sad. All you do is comment against other people. I wonder how upset you are just sitting there. How’s your bank account feel? How’s your loans treating you? How’s paying $15 a month treating you? Go back to living your sad life & leave others alone. Pointing at CR when you have 0 games played.
Oh by the way, check mounts. Check achievements. I’m pretty sure you have max 1400-1600.
You’re the one that came at me for ‘0 games played’ because you can’t research anything.
Not really.
You’re the one making this post, not me.
See, making IRL personal attacks you’re so upset about me even commenting on your fictional game arena rating on a character you’ve only leveled ‘a week ago’
I never paid for anything in WoW, a friend from ESO and GW2 pulled me over to try this game in January and gifted me more time to try to keep me here.
Take your own advice?
It’s okay that you can’t figure out my games played.
Display only character achievements is something you’ll find in the settings > Social tab <3
You have none because you’re stuck at that rating on a ret?
My old pal from the peon pig pens, all three specs of hunter are basking in the holy as we speak. If you log on to one right now, you’ll be able to smile for once in this wild wonderland that is season 1. No more will you have to eat crayons for lunch.
Incorrect and also it’s a 3 sec cast. With a 10 second CD. That takes 40% of our resource.
Dude if you’re going to complain about something at least have a tiny bit of understanding of it. Clown take my guy.
The clown show continues. Would that be why there are currently 0 MM above Hero? Hunter in general has the second worst representation at Hero cutoff with 3. It’s second to only Mage, which has 2. Seems like a classic git gud situation.
Would it make a difference to what I said? The truth is the truth. If the forums would let me, I’d be posting pictures of the numbers but alas it doesn’t. So oh well.
Say what you will lol. Doesn’t hurt me.
Another false claim, but I don’t care. Do what you want. Can’t expect anything more from a paladin that says somebody has zero credibility but then they hide their profile so people can’t look at it. You’re no better, unironically.
It can, actually. But alright.
Thanks for the lesson bud.
I understand it just well. That is not incorrect, the only thing that I can think of that might hit more is greater pyroblast but with nearly no fire mages to be seen, I can confidently back up my statement.
Cry more. I don’t care. It’s a problem, and of course another hunter player (whos marksman btw and cant even get above 1900 rating) is going to defend such a broken ability. Back to the box buddy, farm more before you talk trash. And historically you’ve only gotten duelist multiple times and only 1 2400 in s2 of shadowlands, when hunter was really good. zzz
Didn’t realize i walked into a kfc. Lotta deep-fried takes in here.
Ret is still overtuned, so are demo lock, arms war, and bm hunter.
But for people to complain about literally any other spec (for strength purposes, not gameplay styles) is just ignorant and not reflective of overall balance.
That being said, we have no idea how 10.1 balance will shake out.
Blizz absolutely destroyed season balance with the ret change, which was an abomination. Season scuffed, go next.