These respawns are honestly enough

I get you want to have less people sitting and waiting and competing for mobs to spawn, but some areas are honestly ridiculous.

I’m getting respawns of enemies that haven’t even died yet. I’m currently standing over the sparkling corpses of 15 Grimtotems in Stonetalon. The only reason I’m not dead is because I am slightly overleveled at level 18 and these are level 15-16s.

Spawns are dynamic with how many people are in a zone.

It’s either this or terrible spawns. Perhaps try grouping up!

If that’s true then it’s borked. I’m the only one over here right now.

There’s a middle ground lol. Not spawning while I’m killing the same mob would be helpful.

I do for most of my journey. But sometimes I’m solo.

It would be nice if dynamic respawn was a bit more localized and/or took into account which mobs we’re getting killed.

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Hyperspawns are kind of a neccesary evil. Having 10 minute respawn timers on quest enemies introduces a whole other issue that is much worse.