These Paragon Rep Caches

Is there no RNG in the rewards for these - turned in 4 turtle ones today and all of them got the same thing - a recipe and 500 resources and 3749 gold.


I have turned in about 6 7th legion caches and got the toy on the 2nd.

One of each so far and nothing i did not get a recipe from my tortollan cache.

oh how did i get so ‘lucky’ then to have four the same - I was hoping i would get the toy on one.

I have turned in a number of 7th legion - got the toy on the first one I believe.

Send the luck my way i’d love to get the paragon drops quickly i don’t want a repeat of legions “Lol it took over 100 paragon caches to get a toy.”

4 recipes I have no use for isn’t what I consider luck and that 7th legion toy well …

The only good thing I guess is I am done with 7th legion because I got both from them already.

I have only one horde character doing these so I will be working on horde side all expansion long I imagine.

Considering the paragon caches are how they intend to keep players engaged in WQs I wouldn’t count on the chances of the toys to be anything other than stupid low.


I just mainly want the pets.

I believe that the method used to generate the RNG seed is broken. Without a good seed, you will get constant repeated results. This would be why people always get the same rewards from chests and emissaries. Of course, I just have anecdotal evidence to base this on but each week adds new results.

Blizzard should really look at implementing a cryptographically secure seed for their random number generators. This may seem like overkill but should make sure that the same key is not used multiple times.

I got a recipe in my only tortollan prestige chest so far, and I got a pet from one of the zone faction’s prestige chest a couple days ago. But that’s it for the unique type of awards, and I’ve opened at least one of each faction’s prestige chests and several from the other island faction.

/moo :cow:

Well it is very odd to get all four the same - I guess next time I will stagger my turn ins on different days or weeks.

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How are you guys grinding multiple caches in one day?!!!

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Multiple characters? If you do the Emissaries on multiple characters, they tend to complete 10K rep around the same time.

I am spending a lot of time doing emissaries on 5 characters - it isn’t fun tbh and so it was disappointing to get those 4 useless recipes because I am not paying 1500g or whatever for rank 2.

Ive only been able to do 7th Legion and got the toy the second time. Im nowhere near exalted with the others

How did you get 10,000 rep in 1 day for a turn in? I understand multiple characters doing it, but I have never got 10,000 rep even when I got all the quests done.

So far I’ve gotten the toy from the honorbound, but I only ground that faction for the tokens for the mount. I’m probably not going to grind any more paragon caches. I ground paragon caches in legion and still haven’t got all the mounts even after 150+ with a certain faction.

It wasn’t earned in one day - I just did the turtle emissary today and all four characters had enough to do the paragon turn in.

Ah ok, I was wondering if I was doing something wrong…I really hate those turtles and if there was a faster way I wanted to know it lol

nope - sorry - i really was hoping i would be lucky and be done tbh - with 4 if things were working correctly i should have been closer to getting everything.

I think the only ones its possible for are the Honorbound/7th Legion since you have 3 whole zones compared to one for each opposite. Plus incursions, warfronts, their dailies, a smidget from Contracts etc

Ive gotten maybe 8 caches from the 7th Legion the past 2 weeks.