These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

Is there only one company doing forums now or did Blizzard just choose the “special” one?

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Oh, I didn’t scroll down there, either. Didn’t realize that was a thread.

There seem to be lots. Blizzard just chose the one with some ridiculous policies.

As I think I mentioned earlier, Bliz is trying to get it implimented. I hope that Blizzard / World of Warcraft giving Discourse the stink eye will actually get results.

Guys, we are so close.

Hitting 1,000 posts will definitely mow my lawn.

fires up the fur clippers

No, please! I promise to take a bath this month.

Are we sure that 1000 posts is even the cap?

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Nope, no idea.

if I have to read Zandrae and Enekie’s posts, you all have to read mine. it’s only fair

Well I suppose we are working it out for science.

I’m just easily excitable about big numbers. They really water my garden.

Spamming! For Science!

If I get a low-fat yogurt smoothie, but it’s chocolate peanut butter, is it still healthy?

Sugar is much worse for you than fat.

Sugar is good for the mood, though, and being in a good mood is good for the health, right? :smiley: Right. That’s my logic and I’m sticking to it.

Looks like the edit notification feature is working finally.

I’ve been wondering to myself why these forums say I’ve made 17 posts.

This will I think be the third post I’ve made since the new forums went live (two on Eledriss, one on my mage), so it’s not that they’re only counting posts made after the migration. And I had over 700 before, so … where did a bunch of them go? Are they counting per character now?

If so, what other characters did I even used to post on? Why can’t I stop thinking about this tiny detail?

Every time someone posts while I’m reading a thread, the page jumps around.

I think it might only count posts made within the two week period Blizzard grabbed older threads from? Or maybe it’s completely random.

I could easily see either one of these being true. Or potentially even both.