These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

We need to start posting song lyrics and chain commenting for the True Reddit/YouTube comment section vibe.

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We found a way to break the new forums. Or at least, we’re getting closer.



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Blizz already did that.


Agreed. :expressionless:

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Well that was easy.

Heh, you can see who’s upvoted, too. Oh, man, the drama is gonna be juicy…


The thing that makes this work on reddit, is that you can choose how many posts are visible, and expand or hide them by your own choice. The entire thread is always there on these forums, and that’s just freaking broken, and has a noticeable effect on my computer.

This is the one positive to me. I can’t wait to see people caught in the headlights.

“I was upvoting ironically!! Don’t you know sarcasm!!”


Do you think the general forums will complain enough to get stuff rolled back? It’s happened before with other stuff–albeit not wholebody forum makeovers.

I don’t think they’ll fully roll the forums back. I do think they’ll probably make a few little changes here and there. Nothing that we’ll actually want. Because we think we do but we don’t.


Wait a second, you can’t even see when people edit stuff now???

Did you not see my edit? :open_mouth:

Correct. I saw your edit in real time, but there is no indicator (that I can see right now) that you’ve edited your post.

That’s… not good.

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Ohhh that’s gonna be a problem. Guess we’ll be screenshotting more.

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How amazingly dumb.

Quoting the original text should still work, at least. We’ll just need to remember if something kicks up to quote the OP ASAP.

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“They got my dick message!”