These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

So far, I haven’t been able to find a block feature. This is low key concerning to me.


I almost always post on this character just for recognition’s sake.

I have one of those big top down freezers you use to store lots of meat.

I think Blizzard missed the memo that the modern role of forums is something “permanent” and rigid, unlike this weird pseudo-Twitter crap. how bizarro.

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Great scott, I know this is heavy


I tend to post on the same character as I’m maining, which means I’ll swap 0-2 times every 1-2 expansions.

Right now I’m not sure who my main is, so I’m disappointed in a way that I guess my forum main will now be Falcon forever, even if I don’t regularly play her.

Yeah, but I think the old style lead to a level of pretentiousness.

Granted, the old style was well-suited for things like tech questions, etc.

Same. I might be taking an even longer absence from the forums, now.

But I like pretentiousness. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be on WrA.


I only post on Zunde because i don’t care about hiding my views and opinions.

Own your awful.

It’s still early - you can pick someone else…?

Yeah, I know what ya mean. I usually post as my Tauren druid when I plays both sides. shrugs

I feel like pretentiousness will not be waysided, it will simply adapt.

it’s too late

my fate is sealed

this… this is not the wra way

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I’m going to miss those mid-thread pages with only a post or two because everything else was purged by mods.


I am confident the mods will still have a lot to purge when the time is right

Anyone want to bet on what the thread cap limit is?

so since these threads seem to go on forever, what’s even the point of making topics???