These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

Yes, I meant that. My :b:ad.

This is weird.


Minimum 10 character limit. Wat?

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Now iā€™ll never be able to enter a thread with a mysterious one word reply all mysterious like.

I was gonna switch to my Magā€™har warrior, Khoar, and post ā€œi donā€™t understand the questionā€ but because of the trust system I can only make new threads and not reply on him?

remember to subscribe to my patreon

I like that on our profiles for the forums you can see both who we like the posts of most frequently and who likes our posts most frequently. Now Iā€™ll have anxiety to make sure thereā€™s not someone Iā€™m an obvious fan of.

We all are being oppressed. :frowning:

So theyā€™re taking us away if we donā€™t have a sub. Goodbye again everyone! Was a nice reunion.

I think the character limit is to keep people from just going ā€œbumpā€ in threads without contributing

yeah this is terrible. like, a really bad design.


Your mog is :fire: and you should feel :princess:t6:

Hey Baenura, why donā€™t you upvote my posts for being a male orc warrior?


You know of all the content creators i pursue only one of them actually makes me want to give them money,


Just randomly click likes on random posts occasionally. Problem kinda solved.

Forums are outdated anyway. :V

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ā€œTo the top with youā€ is one Iā€™ve seen a lot. GG Blizz.

Yeah bump we wouldnā€™t bump want bump somebody to bump just post bump a bump and not have any bump merit bump to their post. This bump solves bump that bump problem.


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Waitā€¦ do different characters have different post counts now?

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Iā€™m only here for the Elune emojis.


But I like the permanent record style of forums. The insta reply insta trash style of infinite scroll makes everything feel transient and meaninglessā€¦