These new forums are... well okay maybe not so bad

Huh. Read through that guide, am I just too blind to see where trust level is tracked?

What the heck? I made MORE than just two posts. Why hasn’t it transferred over from old one?

Could be worse.

Could be math class.


Yeah the Mag’har scenario was… ehh…it -really- needed more story behind it so we had a better understanding what was going on from at -least- a meta perspective. It felt so far out of left-field and I just can’t Rp my Mag’har as being so irrationally hateful to Draenei that aren’t even freaking AU Draenei. I understand being wary/hostile to Lightforged, of course but …still.

…damn it now I’ve opened up those wounds of annoyance given to me by most of this expansions plot. Oh noooooooooooooooooooo…!

Tell me about it man. I had 13,000 posts, now I’m a pleb like everyone else.


My favourite part of the trust system is that it affects me almost negligibly at best but I can not wait for it to cause a meltdown of some kind.


yes. yes. yes. haha bypassed the character limit

I can’t see either. Just know that I assume it IS tracked and you get magical abilities when you meet the threshold

x for a livestream of me livestreaming the now-live realm forum posts

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i can’t believe i’m on tv. hi mom.

This is nuts.

No swearing in my CHRISTIAN WOW FORUMS!!


Once while messing with the settings on my PS4 i accidently streamed myself playing final fantasy 9 for six hours.


well, how did it go

Lio do you even use Montblanc in your party

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Also, how the hell do you quote someone’s post? In this new format?

Boy howdy I am gonna throw down if Blizzard is legitimately going to grammar police every individual fun post I make.

Also why in the world are my likes limited?


highlight it. quote option will pop up.

I think i had like 3 viewers

typing in full caps is not allowed but typing in full lower case is

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