These Need to be Addressed for TWW

Quick to it, here are a few core changes that I think Priests need:

  • Baseline Silence moved to Class Tree.
  • Door of Shadows added to Class Tree.
  • Make Power Infusion self cast only.

If nothing else is changed for The War Within, this would at least address key issues with the class. These are items that gets us on par with all other classes by providing access to an interrupt for all specs, providing a displacement ability, and disjoining our power from how well other classes benefit from our cd.

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Now for what I would like to see, if you are interested in checking it out. I overhauled the Class and Shadow Spec Trees to create what I feel is better pathing and overall better gameplay for Shadow. I also very lightly touched on Discipline to fit Mindgames into the Spec tree rather than the Class tree.

My goals for these changes was to reduce the redundancy of Mindgames / Mind Blast by moving it to Disc only (healing by doing damage fits it’s theme), better define the difference between Dark Ascension and Voidform, and remove reliance on Shadow Crash as our DoT spreader. I also changed Devouring Plague a bit to be… more like a plague. Some of the changes were inspired by the community and others were my own.

In order to see these trees, a Talent Tree Manager is needed to be downloaded and import the text strings in the links below. I’m including the Holy tree for reference, I hadn’t made any changes to it though.

Talent Tree Manager
Priest Class Tree
Shadow Tree
Discipline Tree
Holy Tree

Once the Talent Tree Manager is opened, go to Create New Tree, and under “TTM tree import string:” paste the entire string of text for each of the trees.

As someone in the design world, I really enjoyed being able to edit these trees to how I would like to see it! I wish Blizz would give us a way to customize more just to theorycraft, but this is the best editor I could find. If you check it out, let me know what you think!

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I would advise/request you to also type out your suggestions here on the forums.

You can also take screen shots of the talent tree mockup and share as well.

This also allows for easy quoting and discussing of said suggestions.

That will get more foot traffic as just putting a link that requires someone to download a third party program is going to loose a lot of eyeballs off the bat.

Especially those on mobile devices that don’t get on forums on their PC.

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Oh, I totally understand that. Unfortunately, I don’t have forum permissions to post images. As much as I visit, I don’t think I’m anywhere close to meeting the quotas required to move up.

I don’t think images would do, anyways, aside from giving a glimpse as to how I changed the trees. To really understand the differences though, you really need to dive into the talents, which you can with that manager.

I’ll look into doing some formatting for the talents that may be easy to follow and post some imgur links for the trees. But part of it is to suggest for others to download the talent tree manager and give it a go, I think it’s neat to be able to edit at will. Thanks.

Edit: I kept getting “Error 422” when trying to add the imgur links for the class and spec trees.