These maw cutscenes with Anduin are terrible and do the maw no justice

Look at the last one. He’s in this circle magic cell and it’s basically peaceful. He’s on literal hell. It should be a mess. He should look haggard, disheveled , close to broken. Armor in disarray. You get it. What is this calm peaceful nonsense I’m subjected too?


He’s a plot-important character and supposedly there’s a reason in getting him to join willingly which he isn’t liable to do if they torture him.

But I get it. Everyone else gets the rack and he gets a chat.


You must break him though. Like Rocky.

The wee lad ain’t rolled outta his mother long enough ago ta grow dust. Unless you slap a Chia pet on him, that’s as disheveled as I could see him.

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I highly doubt it’d be the case but I think it’d be neat if the reason why Thrall, Baine and Jaina are mum about their experience in Torghast is because they already went through the Anduin treatment and Sylvanas successfully broke them into giving up, and the torture only started after that. Then she moved onto the next.

It’d be silly that Anduin was the one that wouldn’t bend, but that’s already the case so whatever.


They’re trying to turn him, not break him. If they break him that could also break his connection with the Light which they seem to need.

He looks like Sylvanas gives him bubble baths and 3 meals a day.


No, no, no. See that would require Anduin to have a different model then the armored one they already made. Do you think Blizz is made of money or something? They already blew the model budget for this expansion on Sylvies new outfit and the Jailers chest.


Having to talk to Sylvanas is his own personal hell.


Pfft, never stopped Blizzard from purposefully making models of ruined Alliance buildings before for world building, while Horde buildings lacked that treatment.

The sad thing is that she seems to be buying Anduin time hoping he makes some sort of miracle.

She is steeped in the Maw Knowledge. I don’t think she is even trying to turn him or convince him or force him to serve her. I think she is actually dim enough to have faith in sone sort of Anduin miracle. She even uses that as an excuse to the Jailor to buy Anduin time. Sylvanas has been called a liar, but I think she has used truths to buy time.


My biggest critique of Shadowlands so far is a massive lack of ambition on Blizzard’s part re: the ‘otherworldliness’ of the Shadowlands.

It reminds me of Supernatural, in that heaven was some nature reserve where archangels beat each other up in fist fights. Yet they had the excuse of real actors and a low budget - WoW should be shooting for the stars.

We should be rescuing Old Man Anduin from a decades-long stint in a Dante’s hell, not house arrest in Sylvanas’ mansion.


Sure it MUST be because Blizzard are lazy. Surely it has nothing to do with the story., surely.

No one else that we rescued looks worse for wear either, Bane, Thrall, Mograine, Proudmoore. We have to take their word that they’ve been suffering and not soaking it up in hot tubs.

It’s fricking cartoon level minimum spec CGI, what are you expecting?

Because two plot armors is equivalent to: when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

I want to point out they changed Sylvanas’s face and body 4 times during beta.

3rd time was the worst, she looked unrecognizable, like a terrible nose job, and they made her *ahem * lady parts like five times larger


All that “extra” anima going places


It was so bad. Like those bimbo memes. I made a GD thread, everyone was horrified, did a side to side, they made the live model that same week

On the upside, she’s not wearing any bare midriff armor any more.

And beta is the point where you’re supposed to be tweaking things nine ways from Sunday until you’re happy with it.

Thinking that they’d let Golden’s special little favorite man actually go through any real hardship is a folly.