These heroic talents don't feel very heroic

It just feels like normal talents that have procs that just seem like extended talents. Some pigeonhole you into use some abilities you don’t care for. Just seems like a headache for shaman. I tried out most of the other classes hero talents and they bring some interesting things while shaman ones is a slow burn like the rest of the talents. I… might have to switch mains since shaman is just boring this expac.


i dislike thunder sound for some reason, or maybe is the area explosin sound that it makes , animation is kinda “ok” , was expecting more like zeus lightning from the sky , but oh well…lightning rod covers that (and thunderstrrike ward)

about farseer , yeah boooooring as hell , look at diabolic and tell me again that farseer is fine , look at horsemen and tellme farseer is fine…hell druids can call a tree x3 + more…

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As for farseer they could replace the ancestors with just … having the air, water, or earth itself produce the elements …

Or even elementals! The ancestors just sit weirdly for me …


u mean

Storm, earth and fire, heed my call!

p.d lets add water since is a resto spec too lol


I like the elementals replacing the grandpas and then have each spell type cast have a chance to spawn the corresponding elemental to fight by your side for X amount of time. Much like how the pet works when we cast stormkeeper.

Speaking of pet spawning with Stormkeeper… the talent needs to make the pet spawn at the 50sec timer with the hero talent too.

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dunno sometimes i feel surrounded by pets , btw 2 elementals , and farseers lol

Still not as bad as being a monk

I went Farseer, and it doesn’t really feel like it has much impact on my character while leveling. I get 10 (occasionally more) seconds of ghostly draenei ladies floating next to me who ape my spells for that time. Lava Burst has a chance to spawn them, and they can summon a second spirit upon expiration. It feels underwhelming, but I don’t know if I should even attempt Stormbringer or stay Farseer because it doesn’t feel impactful.

Make this man a dev.

Power of the Horde starts playing until the Farseer elementals despawn or we riot.

Farseer Lighting become much better leveling once you hit level 74 when you can take Ancestral Swiftness. You can then macro in Ancestral Swiftness into Pwave that way you can spawn two Ancestors and just spam Lighting Bolt to have them machine gun Lava Bursts into your target.


that would be cool :smiley:

I like the idea of tapping more into the spiritual aspect of shamanism.

Fury of the elements like I get it but why have another avatar of elements at my side when I have a CD for that that also spawns another elemental, same with stormkeeper, start spilling into demo lock territory.

Would of been interesting to somehow lean into the divining and premonition aspects of shamanism tho

Like an ethereal form, tweaking reincarnation for combat purposes or something

Woulda been cooler if maybe you could do that think that one primalist does in DF raid where you’re inside an elemental while you fight and that could replace the ascendance thing.

Totemic really needs some love, you have to wait for things to be grouped up to then set your totem down with maybe a move every 10 seconds on Totemic Recall. But while you’re winding up everybody else has exploded already and the packs dead.

Needs like, rebound charges up tremor damage and causes the next 3 secs worth of tremors to happen at once, refunding as much CD on the totem. Passive to make Totemic Recall 0 sec CD but cost a bit of mana. Each tremor builds a stacking buff that empowers Sunder that can be used within 30 secs

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I honestly still believe it should have been elemental and it should have been summoning all your totems with one button and as you use the abilites granted by Whirling elements each totem just vanishes. This could have been such a cool way to bring back the circle of totems and made it a cooldown like the current one is instead of the totem style way back (i miss that style of being able to summon all 4 for buffs) and again would have made more sense elemental and resto to be totemic masters.

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agree totemic needs some love. Some of the talents are straight dull – cd reduction if you dispell fears/poisons/curses etc, a random WF buff there, and the Whirling Elements needs to be a little bit more interactive. I honestly don’t really get how this talent works…

What if, instead of cd reduction you get +haste/mastery/crit per debuff reduced ( up to a max). Whirling elements could be something like if you deal fire+frost+nature damage in 10 seconds you gain a buff. Instead of a Windfury buff, the totem could bounce whirlwind between enemies up to 5 times or smthn like that.

But the biggest QOL Change they could make: TAKE THE TOTEM OFF THE GCD

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My ancestors are bald and don’t visually feel heroic at all. Also the cast time is too long for the ancestors to even do much of anything really, they just get to do one lava burst and bounce it’s a wet noodle design.

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