These Dungeon Bonuses just SCREAM

…“People complained that they’d only take covenants that were best dps/heals, so let’s make it so each covenant has extra buffs in 2 different dungeons!”

Without thinking about the implications it is no now longer “Which does the most dps/heals” but “Are you Night Fae? Nope. Then we don’t need you.”

It created an even bigger problem than it was trying to fix.


So the covenant i have chosen is meta?


I’m exited now!


Unless your groups are going to be pushing +15s out of the gate and +20s onward, I really don’t think things are going to be so strict it ruins your gameplay. Plus, you can always make your own group, and bring whomever you like.


Taking responsibility for your own game play ruins the ability to QQ about things.

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I thought these might be a problem at first, but it looks like it’s going to be only 1 covenant perk per dungeon, meaning you just need to have 1 person with that covenant in your group. It is sort of forcing diversity in M+ groups so that each group has one of each covenant though. At least it leaves one slot in the group as flexible.

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And that’s somehow the fault of those giving feedback of an obviously bad system, and not those who created said bad system? I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here.

Not sure how you got that out of that quote.

They were making an assumption blizzard was trying to ‘fix’ something and they ended up making what they were trying to ‘fix’ worse.

Probably not going to be gamebreaking, but just from how strong these buffs are, people are going to make sure they have at least one of that covenant in the group. Quite often there probably be one, but quite often there will not and groups of 4 will have to go and look for a covenant to fill on top of the class and the player.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t NEED it, people will still want it. Having a 3 minutes bloodlust or something as insane as 20-80% to haste, healing done, movement speed and damage reduction is fun enough to want even if it’s not required to succeed, and it will in any case make the dungeon a hell of a lot easier regardless. That being said those buffs will be required to time higher keys eventually, which will make pugging high-ish keys even more of a hassle than it is now.

Then you end up in a situation where bliz let a few specs rise above all the rest (As always) in keys, and none of those specs ever play kyrian.

I can’t imagine anyone justifiably playing kyrian rogue right now, or mage, or monk, or DK, or DH,

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Well that’s exactly what’s going to happen as close to nobody will be picking a covenant just to be useful in 2 of out 8 dungeons. It was gonna happen anyway tho.

Yeah I was more following on from your point than countering it :stuck_out_tongue:

This is gonna be a mess.


I have to disagree with you.

While some of the buffs are nice and trivialize part of the dungeons their duration is way too short (from 30 seconds to 2-3min i heard) to make any difference in the long run imo.

Idk, some of them definitely look like the difference between being able to do a pull / boss on a high key and not doing. Especially the ones condensed into single uses or small periods of time.

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We already have that with hunters, let’s say someone post a group for m+ with the title (no survival hunters please), if you like playing survival you will have some trouble finding groups but I doubt you would abandon your spec if you really want to play with it. Yes you can respec to BM to have more invites but that’s optional.

Except now we have two decision points compounding on eachother.


Bloodlust effects last 30 seconds and are only usable 2-3 times per run, yet it’s a vital part of dealing with bosses and difficult trash packs. What these buffs offer is far, far stronger than bloodlust, and you’ll be able to use them on top of it, or chain, whatever fits the situation. They are also not just flat buffs, they are also utility in the forms of 10 second AoE stuns and 20% damage done increase or 10 minutes buffs to main stats/stamina, checkpoints after each boss and opening new paths.


I really don’t see how adding another layer to an existing issue makes it no longer an issue. It’s like saying “hey half of these houses are on fire already, what’s another burning house going to change”.

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If they are that strong I’m 100% sure they won’t last long before they scale it down. They didn’t make the numbers tuning yet.

I am sure that they will be nerfed, yes. If not, then Blizzard has some serious thinking to do about what they are doing to the game. However some of those nerfs are going to have to be very severe, I’m talking 100%, 200% or even more, for them to not be “make or break”, or even a deciding factor on who to invite. Even for a first iteration they are insanely overshot, every single one of them.

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I personally think the dungeon bonuses are the kind of thing they should have always been using to “make the decision matter”. They should #PullTheRipCord on everything else but keep these bonuses in place.