even dorito is saying they are fine lol blizzard didn’t cook besides the mage mobility nerfs.
the rogue, mage, and feral nerfs were pretty W tho. tireless pursuit for feral is lowkey broken
nervous about these boomys buff tho with sub/assa the way they are atm.
Paladins on your team are no longer your enemy!
These changes don’t kill the spec, crackle and slice were the only things broken tbh and they both got hit well. hitting an aura nerf on all ww spells would kill the spec.
sub and assa escaping feint nerfs, mm not touched, ww getting a slap on the wrist but not gutted(so meh), dev avoiding some toolkit nerfs, frost mage not getting its proc roots nerfed. So much could have been done better. At least everyone is playing bm. oh yea enhance got a shotgun to the face.
Disc escapes again with almost no nerfs.
oh just noticied that…only applying to outlaw is really lame that is a really broken defensive.
Ferals dodging nerfs is crazy
How’s bm not been nuked yet.
MM and BM casually going unnerfed is wild.
Uhhh, dude I hate disc priests too, but these are actually substantial nerfs. We reading the same thing?
PS: Thank god
i wouldve liked to see some dam nerfs for feral
Assa mm bm feral all having damage unchecked is unbelievably disgusting
Oracle Is about to go stupid with the empowered renew talents. Holy Priest might be legit good now
Dk changes are being made by an absolute moron
Disc got damage reduction nerfs, healing nerfs, and mana nerfs, and the other healers got buffed.
holy priest stonks also treant nerfs maybe i can finally paly the hero tree i actually enjoy
These Disc nerfs aren’t very cash money. Looks to be some playa haters down at Blizzard HQ.
Do the changes (not the PVP ones) apply to both pvp and PvE or only pve?
I know the PVP changes only relate to PVP, however those are some juicy holy priest changes and unsure if all of them apply in PvP
if it has a does not apply to pvp next to it they don’t if it doesn’t they do.