These armor sets! From world pvp!

Hell yes to these designs! I love them! And hell yes to having some incentive to world pvp! Even I will partake for these bad boys!


Hmm. Not my cup of tea honestly. Yellow glowy bits with yellow horns / spikes / spines just… not feeling it.

Though, reading through. Liked the quest and the nod to the old Gizmo+Darkwing crossover Quack Attack. That alone for me is enough to enjoy it. Just the gear will be mogged over fast.

Plate one sucks lol

I hate skinny boots

Glad they added something like this finally.

They keep giving us the cheese grater helms and I’m not sure what the obsession is with that.

They look like someone ate too much macaroni and cheese and then vomited.

They’re a pee recolour of the zone event sets. :face_vomiting:

I don’t hate the helmets, but they are kind of… weird

You should drink more water

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I drink plenty of water I’ll have you know. But Gnomeregan left me with irradiated pee…


aw so the recolored armor from the invasions lol

Oh thats fair

I love how they give a pvp set the brightest freaking colors possible :slight_smile:

i know like here i am

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They will visible from across the zone :slight_smile:

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They’re just recolors from the invasion set.

They’re okay.


The mail looks ridiculous. I guess I’ll keep mogging WoD gear.

They’re pretty, and the bonus should have rogues in shambles. :partying_face:

Thank god for the mog system

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I’m not familiar with the invasion sets. Just looked them up. That’s cool. I think I do prefer the yellow though. That blue is very intense.