These are the decisions that make people hate this company

I said it before and i’ll say it again:

Undermine is awesome.

Undermined the patch is a COMPLETE DISASTER.

WHY? WHY do you guys make so many bad decisions all the time?

No word on why Undermined doesn’t have a world boss this week.
No word on why you can’t exchange the curio from the story mode.
Still clear no way to track how many Delves you’ve completed for the week.
No way to track when Surge pricing activates.
Still over 6 different jobs bug out.

You still cap Crests in less than a day.
You still cap reputation in less than a day.

No meaningful way to get the gear you need through delves. (I’ve did 12 delves last week. 10 dropped the same 3 trinkets.)

And to top it off… lol… The new Shredder Mounts don’t FLY?

How do you blow a patch like this so badly?


Just to comment on these, I absolutely love that WoW doesn’t aggressively try to claim my whole week on the rep front. I LOVE getting “the week done” on tuesday and just farting around doing whatever in this or some other game for the rest of the week.


What? The times are literally listed in the event schedule tab on the map.


Well… there are other reasons people hate this company. I can’t list them because I will end up getting another 30 day ban on the forums.

I thought Surge Pricing was always at the bottom of the hour (just like Theater Troup in Isle of Dorn).

I’ve yet to complete it so I do think it needs an adjustment… I’m going to try doing 9/10 jobs before the bottom of the hour and then just do the last one after surge pricing starts and before XX:40 because the bar only seems to stay up for 10 minutes (which is likely too short a timer to complete 10 jobs for most players).

They also nerfed tank brann to the point of being useless.

Changed several previously war bound currencies to character specific also.

It’s just L after L


Definitely a dumb patch. They can’t do simple stuff anymore. Everything has to be gated, on a timer, weird, unintuitive, nerfed, changed for the sake of changing something, etc, etc.

GG. I’ve been gravitating towards SoD and Classic anyway. They can still do quite simple stuff over there and don’t need to break the entire China shop from one change.


world boss is still there, it properly reset, can get loot from it.

There just no world quest.

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For those who are not getting the world quest (for boss kill), I just killed the boss with no quest activated, then after that the damn quest popped up on my screen and I had to kill it again… they had one job but they were busy looking for breast milk to steal

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world boss is up tho i just dont think everyone is getting the wq

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Actually if you open quest log you can track it…