There's something off with the newest dungeon journals

Has anyone read through the new dungeon journals (lore, not mechanics). There’s something really off about the way the majority have been written. The writing style and message they are trying to get across is very disjointed and repeats itself. I can’t put my finger on it, but some of it even seems to be AI generated. Also caught some typos and text errors in there and two of the boss models show the wrong boss (one of them is Magni).

What do you guys think?

Well typos definitely don’t mean AI was involved. It’s likely just a rushed job that’s still a work in progress. A few of the new things we got in the pre-patch (talents, etc.) have typos in them. It just happens, especially when things are as rushed as this entire expansion is.

I remember the word “your” was typo’d as “yoru” in the mount journal on a mount for over a year before getting corrected. (idr which mount)


I think that AI rarely makes spelling errors so it was probably written by hoomans.


I adore Waxbeard’s description. :robot::+1:

Howdy! Sit a spell. Hear about Ol’Waxbeard. Kobolds respect this old-timer for tamin’ Wick, the rowdiest mole in creation! Waxbeard’s seen folks come n’ go. Now Candle King’s in charge. That don’t change nothin’! Ya still need to stay off his property! Why are you here? Go on! Get!