There's people like this

I understand, and I can’t speak for the entirety of the game, nor can I say the old system was perfect or that we should go back to it. But what I can say is the real Villain’s, the real people who the actual report system is for, the real 1% of actual racists/pedophiles/hate speech people that actually are a menace to the game and were dealt with. Its not like they were trying to hide it. If WoW actually was flooded with those degenerates then it definitely wouldn’t be one of the most successful mmo’s of all time.

As for trolls/spammers yes they did get away with a lot. [Removed by Forum Moderator for calling another player out by name.]

You realize that just because it’s not “WTS X” or “WTB Y” doesn’t mean it’s not trade related right? Two people can joke and have a conversation for a few minutes before getting down to haggling over something. Not an uncommon thing when bartering to try to get the person you are dealing with to like you to try to get a better price.

But hey, let’s just take all the fun out of things for people because I don’t like what they are doing or saying. Never mind that you could turn off trade chat, put them on ignore, or leave the city.

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Sure but someone spamming whatever in trade chat is not chat related to trade.

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People spam trade related things in trade chat too. Are you so hurt by that, that you can’t just put them on ignore? You have to make sure they lose their ability to trade/interact with anyone else?

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Back in ye ol market stall days do you think someone would or should be stoned or crucified for conversing in front of someones cabbage stand? No. So why should someone be banned for doing the same?

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As I have said many times, we do not know what the number is.

IMO, requiring only 5 or 10 reports to trigger the player imposed penalty is far too easy to abuse.

If the target report number is only 5 or 10, then IMO, Blizzard should send the message that abuse will NOT be tolerated by harshly punishing EVERY person that submits a false report (report submitted when there is no violation) that leads to a squelch that is ultimately overturned because there was no violation.

If you want leeway given to players that submit false reports when no violation occurred, the, Blizzard should set the target report number high enough to make it difficult to abuse, say 100 reports.

Would you prefer a higher target number to trigger the player imposed punishment with leeway given for reports that are not upheld or a lower target report number with a harsh and immediate punishment for EVERY player that submits a report if no violation actually occurred and the squelch is overturned?

IMO, the system should not be set up in such a manner that it is easily abused without the abusers risking severe and major threat of consequences and being held accountable for their actions.

As I said, what many seem to want is a system that players can easily abuse to squelch any player at any time for every little slight they think they had to suffer, while also ensuring that the abusers have little or no threat of repercussions or being held accountable for their actions.

The key word your ignoring is “MAY”.

Notice that word is “MAY” and NOT “WILL”.

Made for a “specific purpose”? Did we just find a certain warrior’s alt?

Even Blizzard acknowledges that using /trade for things other than buying or selling of goods or services is not a violation and is in fact, permissible.

Sure, they also essentially say that someone that doesn’t like Billy using /trade for things other than buying or selling of goods or services might report them for “spam” and that Billy could be subject to action for “spam” if BLIZZARD determines that Billy was “spamming”.

They key is that the final decision is up to BLIZZARD not the player that thinks their opinion of how?trade should be used trumps Blizzard’s own policies.


And when they do report it those reports fall into the category of will and then you have to ask why you were trolling trade chat :slight_smile:

Chat not related to trade in /trade is NOT a violation.

Telling Chuck Norris jokes in /trade is not a violation.

Telling Chuck Norris jokes in trade is a violation because Chuck Norris is no joke.


If Blizzard determines an actual violation occurred, then , “may” becomes “will”.

Unfortunately for you, Blizzard has already stated that it is not a violation to use /trade for things other than trade.

The third post is a blue post, which includes:

“I’m not entirely certain what you are referring to, Daish. The label on the channel is a suggestion, not a rule. It doesn’t violate policy to discuss non-Trade related issues in that channel.

It also says:

“With that said, spam and other policy violations can be actioned when reported, so keep that in mind.”

Once again, note the word is CAN, not WILL. The final call as to whether a violation actually occurred is up to Blizzard, not the players.

Using /trade for things other than trade is not “trolling”, no matter how much you might wish it were.

Are you dumb? The blue post you link legit said trade was the suggested topic for that channel and you are free to use it for non-trade purposes. You were fishing for an excuse to crusade against people for not being 1 dimensional and only read what you wanted to see.


Whose alt do you think Prufinnor is?

I’ll let you figure that one out on your own.

I will say there is a warrior that apparently has a pet peeve about people using /trade for things other than the buying or selling or goods or services.

He also seems to think using emojis to bypass the profanity restrictions of the forums is terribly clever.

I have not seen anything from that particular poster in several days. Could it be that he earned himself a forum vacation for trying to bypass those profanity restrictions? I don’t know.

Gnocci is a Death Knight.


Gnocchi are Potato.

Why would you need/want to do that in the public channel instead of /w the person directly?

No. But if you’re running a stall and advertising your lit warez and somebody decides to stand right next to you and yell over the top of you about something that has nothing to do with anything in the market, you could fairly expect that somebody to be asked to leave or have their face rearranged.

No one mentioned how people are able to yell in a text-based game. I should check the terms and conditions to caps lock cruise control. Though going back to my earlier post:

If the notorious big was spittin mad fire in front of my cabbage stand I’m pretty sure it would attract a lot of customers, and if it didn’t I would still just carry out my sales. aka in terms of actual trade chat, I would just press my wts macro again… no big deal, no one gets banned and no one gets offended. :ok_hand:


It is kind of a contradiction isn’t it? It’s not a violation of the rules, but you can be punished as if you did violate the rules.
Spam is spam. If something posted in Trade is considered spam, it should be considered spam in any other chat, be it general, guild, whispers, etc. If simply talking off-topic in Trade is considered spam, that would simply mean that posting non-trade in Trade is against the rules. Right? I don’t know. I need an adult!

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I fall in the camp of it really doesn’t bother me what systems they use as long as it keeps the Vanilla game mechanics such as talents and rpg elements. Right click reporting won’t have an effect on me and neither would sharding/not sharding.

I just want to play the game.