There's now 21 playable races in WOW, but only 5 viable for Arena

Would it be that game breaking to give Worgen’s Darkflight ability an effect like not being able to be slowed below 100% speed, anti-knock back like Deaths Advance or a root break on a 2 min CD?

I feel like it would be fine but more viable and we might see more Worgens.

Taurens have AOE stun which does get used.

Taurens aren’t on the list though. Warstomp is probably better than Arcane Torrent overall. But at the cost of diminishing yours and your team-mates stuns, and the added disadvantage of being bigger than a house.

Not to saying that Taurens are worse than Belves by any means. I’d say all Horde Paladin options are about even.

ngl on 3 separate instances this week i have been caught completely off guard by prev velf fearing and me not being anywhere close or aware enough to tremor before they play off of it


Arcane torrent is def better than warstomp. Warstomp shares DRs with every stun (including, womp womp for tauren pallies, hammer of justice). it also has a paltry 8 yard range, so if you’re not a melee, you’re gonna have to run up to someone to use it. admittedly, arcane torrent has the same paltry range, but the effect is much more useful. it’s a free purge; you can remove BOP, ghost wolf, warlock spell reflect, combustion, etc, and it doesn’t DR with anything.

reviewing the leaderboards, though, i have to admit that BELF shouldn’t have made the original list since it seems to be in a very similar position as taurens and dwarves. That is, you see them relegated almost exclusively to one class in the high brackets. On the horde, almost all of the pallies are BELF, almost all the taurens (especially resto) are tauren. For alliance, almost all of the shammies are dwarf or dark iron dwarf.

that’s even worse, then. orcs truly have a monopoly on horde arena. even undead seems relegated to priests. seems like all of the top players opt for orc for all the classes that can be orc.

so really, we’re talking just orcs, humans, and night elves accounting for the overwhelming majority of arena representation when not isolating classes.

Tauren are played for the sole purpose of stomp into clone. Literally. Do any other classes have synergy with tauren?

Panda is probably BiS for Shadow tho because of the incap for extra CC, plus it removes dots so fear doesn’t break, and you get a vers buff. 5 of the 13 above 3k play Panda.

Stomp into freezing trap, but your comps likely don’t need another stun.

damn you’re right, i guess there are 3k pandas.

still, though, the rate of pandas in high rated pvp is very low. and it seems it’s only spriest with an odd monk here and there.

I personally don’t care about making the ranks up the ladder. I’m basically a skillless scrub and always will be. But I enjoy playing at the level I play at. You don’t have to have the talent of Micheal Jordan to enjoy shooting hoops in the driveway.

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I’ve seen a lot of dwarf and goblin warlocks.

Troll is best warrior race change my mind

on my Tauren priest i stomped into a Mind Control haha, it works very good

Uh what. Horde the best race is either Orc or Orc, followed by Orc.

True but belfs and undead get played because orcs can’t be priests and paladins.

If they could, you probably wouldn’t see any of them, either. lol

orcs and humans need to be nerfed, no question about it. Currently, if your main focus is PVP and you play a class that can be orc or human, you go that race.

Via pvp leaderboards:

Orcs and humans account for 42% of the bracket.
When you include BE and NE, that’s over 70% of the bracket. The next closest race is undead at 7%, meaning the OP’s 5 races are right. It stands to reason that BE, NE and undead only see as much representation as they do because humans can’t be druids (and nelf is considered the best rogue race) and orcs can’t be paladins or priests.

After that, things fall off a cliff. 16 of the 21 races have less than 1.7% representation, including 10 races under 1%.

What’s the point in having so many races if only 4-5 are viable? It’s not realistic to expect them to balance 21 races, but there shouldn’t be 2 auto-choices like orc and human.

You’d think blizzard would wise up to this since they make so much money on in-game purchases. I’m sure a lot of pvpers would like to try out/play a different race besides humans and orcs.

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One would think that pandas would also be great for Disc… Will of the forsaken is so situational.

I play Tauren warrior 90% of the expansion and I’ve had no issues getting rating.

you can push 2k with any race. if you want glad, though, most people go with the meta races.

ie, orc or human (or belf or nelf if your class isn’t covered by those 2)

Not true at all. You can push glad with any race. You just want to blame races for some dumb reason when it’s not a thing outside of tourney level and even then, the races you think are meta are not.

Blizo/Whazz both play dwarf warrior at tourneys