There's no going back, and thank you

I dont think its fair to say its easy when that depends on the person doing the content. I believe for casuals who dont do M+ or raid the T8s are tough. Im definitely not blowing through them, and have to reset several times.

What people miss is that you get 1 piece of high level.gear only for a bountiful run. You will gear faster doing M+ and raiding as you get chances at multiple pieces of gear.

I dont think gear should be lowered for Delves as its a great incentive for thoss of us want world content endgame to progress through. Why should I not be able to get heroic raid gear? Because raiders thinks its unfair? Im not hearing a good reason to change this


Everything below the top tier rewards should have overlapping methods of acquiring them.

If you do Mythic Raiding, High M+ Keys or Top Ranked PvP you should get the best rewards and I’m sure most players would agree with that. However, this concept of gate keeping low-mid Tier gear is ridiculous and is what drove so many players to leave.

M+, for example, took over the entire endgame system for Dungeons for multiple expansions. Instead of keeping the Heroic Badge system and overlapping it with low Keys, while keeping the best rewards behind higher Keys, Blizzard (as the always do) tried to re-invent the wheel. M+ got the point where low keys were (are) more difficult than High keys because many of those players didn’t want to be there, the system funneled them in there.

Heroic Gear is not special, nor does it need gate keeping. This notion that “everyone has their own space” is how we’ve ended up with massive ilvl inflation every season across 4 Raid Difficulties and 10+ Key levels.

I’ve run a number of Delves with RL friends and had a blast without having to worry about the Holy Trinity and pugging randoms for a viable group. I honestly hope, in future patches, that Follower Dungeons learn from Delves (and M+) where we can progress into higher Tiers for higher rewards using NPC’s to fill the gaps in friend groups.
Players like myself don’t need Top Tier rewards to enjoy the content, we just need some form of progression to make the content worth repeating over the Season.


How so? Delves cap at champion drops and heroic vault. M+ starts of at champion loot after a run at a +2 and +3 starts giving heroic vault. Delve loot pool is very limited and less than ideal stats for the majority of specs while m+ has a lot of spec bis. Also m+ drops way more upgrade materials than delves.

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I would love to have a story mode/follower type thing for Legacy dungeons and raids. That would be SO fun. The Shadowlands raids were some of my favorite. I really liked some of the Legion runs as well. Watching the followers jumping around is great! I’m so glad they added that. lol X)

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Raids have more than trinkets. They also have bis weaps and jewelry for a lot of specs and it’s the most efficient way to get tier.

I kind of think delves are overtuned for their rewards myself. Least they were a few weeks ago

Interactive Key is my feature.

If they decided to remove it from game, that’s the day I finally quit. I didn’t realize how much I needed it until I used it. Now that we have it, I can’t play without it.

You can’t hear yourself? Because that’s what people like you are doing now.

i did all +8 delves in my off spec at 585 ilvl and got heroic loot on week 1… way too easy. But it does not really matter. The players it is intended for want easy gameplay and basically free loot. That is what they want.

If Delves are under tuned, have you solo killed Zekvir hard?

M+ is pretty under tuned for the quality of gear. I mean a decked out premade just steamrolls it.

Sarcasm, but you see how that sounds?

Were you doing solo 8s week one? Maybe, but statistically you were probably two manning or five manning. Do a few 11s solo, then tell us it’s easy.

Anybody else think these 3 features are lame?

Delves are like a creepy simulacrum of real content.

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No it trying to be a doomsayer, it’s just both of these features are tied to easy ways to get good gear, and it’s difficult to judge their true value without that.

I never understood why there could not be multiple ways of gearing or multiple endgame activities to meet the variety of interests that have settled into the MMO community. The idea that there can only be one “valid” way of gearing or participating in endgame is really outdated.

Delves are not an easy way to get gear…they are just another type of endgame activity. Follower Dungeons do not award gear. Story Mode Raids and LFR do not award anything near the best gear in the game.

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What are some examples of real content?

I found the ‘story mode ansurek’ to be redundant and pointless when LFR exists. There wasn’t even any mechanics to do you just beat on a lootless pinata for 5 minutes with 9 npc’s.
While you can just do her on any difficulty since story mode was optional, who’s gonna pass up the easiest enchant runed crest to do it a harder way?

They do. The drop rate wasn’t the best in dragonflight, but they do drop normal mode gear.

The things he likes…


Good to know.

Still haven’t told me what you actual care about in this game. Never going to do that huh? Just spout off with your trolling nonsense.

So… You don’t want to play World of Warcraft the MMORPG.

You want to play World of Warcraft the single player RPG.

Plenty of games out there to scratch that itch without giving Blizzard 13.99 a month. You could save money AND have fun the way you say you prefer, alone.

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Looks like we have options for both styles in the game now.

You want a game you enjoy to receive LESS money? Why?