There's been a bunch of threads, you know what this is about, and something needs to change

I know there’s been a flood of queer-focused threads lately, and while most of us can spot those trolls from a mile away, they don’t seem to be targeted at getting us riled up. Heck I’ve seen us spin some of these left-field ideas into discussions that blizz might benefit from taking a look at.

No, these’re all about getting you riled up. They’re bait for the people who would rather just see us gone - and I’ve gotta say I’m really disappointed to see it’s no longer just people denying that that’s the case - people are just being blatantly obvious about it.

And I’ve just gotta say:

What gives?

I’m sorry you feel uncomfortable because there are people who are different from you in the world! I’m sorry that you can’t deal with the idea of two male characters sharing a romantic moment together in-game, or the idea of more trans characters being put in the game.

None of that’s exclusively for you, if you don’t want it to be! You don’t have to care, and you can just shrug and go eh, good for them, and carry on farming herbs or whatever you’re doing.

I think the most frustrating thing for me is this simplifying of everything we are - like…it’s not just sexual preference. We’re not looking for…that … in the game. I’m hoping that’s not all you’re here for either.
Like how hard is it for people to grasp that we’re just other people with a bit of a different perspective? Like…we see moments differently! A lot of us value care and quiet moments of understanding over moments of bare-chested bravado! We all love the game just as much as you do, or else we wouldn’t be here dealing with…this.

I know I don’t speak for every queer person in WoW - these are my grievances. These are the thoughts of someone who has seen far too many people on here recite the same recycled nonsense spewed to them as excuses for their hate. As justification for their vindictiveness. I don’t know what script you’re all reading from but would you please throw it out?

As for that inevitable “If you just keep shoving it in our faces, we’re not going to listen!” You know full well you wouldn’t listen before - and sometimes the only way to make change is to just. Keep. Pushing. Nothing happens without action, and this? You’re upset about people posting on the forums of a game they love? Oh the horror, the disgrace! The absolute curs!

I love Wow. I love the world that’s been built here, and the idea of an MMO has captivated me since I was a little girl. I’m not going anywhere - but I’m not shutting up.
None of us should have to.

La Willow.


Just in general, isn’t this the sort of people that are drawn to these games?


Maybe! I don’t know, I feel like if that’s something that irks you, you need to confront it and resolve it, because there is no escaping it.

Ah I’m here early, if you don’t like their thread topics

Soon as I see LGBT in the title, :point_up:


Already done. :relaxed: No worries on that end - but it does get rather disheartening when you open a game-related post, and end up seeing 3/4 of the names hidden because you blocked every sexist/homophobic/racist comment someone made.

Edit: Well that’s unfortunate.

You’re not going to get real conversation here. It’s not the place for it.

No one’s changing their minds on things on these forums based off what some person with a Warcraft avatar says. Any legitimate expression of someone’s opinion is going to get met with some other person condescendingly replying to get likes. No one’s risking that vulnerability.


No, these’re all about getting you riled up. They’re bait for the people who would rather just see us gone

I think this also explains the Vulpera spam threads on the forums. These topics are usually started by a bunch of people on alts or spammed by some of the same people. They seem to basically be doing this to people who they think hate furries. However its a double edged sword since people who talk about hunting vulpera and turning them into fur coats also irks the vulpera fanbase.

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Yea their sole purpose to anger people who either are uncomfortable or hate that kind of stuff

Don’t know how they still exist, but also don’t really think we needed another thread on this cuz the stupid people will never figure that out no matter how many times they’re told


Tbh Malg it was just something that I was kinda bottling up, and like…I just wanted to get it out. I’m frustrated and sad and I wanted to just…stick an actual queer person’s thread up here instead of just letting these people fill it with faux crap.
If stuff gets out of hand, I can always trash it.
I know it’s selfish but I really just don’t want people to feel like there’s not a big pushback against this.


Oh yea it’s super frustrating that Blizzard does nothing about the super obvious trolls threads so they just devolve into people being mad

Hell I groan and roll my eyes everytime a new one pops up cuz you basically know which troll made it by the title instantly


No one wants to see you “gone.” Rather, they would prefer you to not be obnoxious 24/7

Report OP
Mute Thread
Go on with your day.


yes and now there’s another one.

a whole lot of you projecting about other people.


Instantly flagged, i hope you enjoy your vacation like I did mine

This entire country is a joke


And yet some how we need another one. It’s amazing to me that people really wonder why others get annoyed by it…Spoiler alert, has nothing to do with homophobia.


I’m asking that the hate to stop, not for more rep. I just don’t see why people care that we’re making posts at all - but they do - otherwise they wouldn’t add on that the very fact that they exist is somehow obnoxious.

At least this one makes sense and wasn’t just a troll thread to say we need LGBTQ+ eye colors available or some nonsense


Haters gonna hate. Why not just keep living your life?

Because it’d be nice to have a little less hate in the world. :relaxed:

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That’s a fair point.