Theres alot less pug MC dungeon finder action than I was expecting

Guess I’ll just gear up through pvp

As easy as MC is, there’s still mechanics that can wipe the average pug group. Most people won’t have enchants and consumes. Most groups will compromise on their composition in order to get going ASAP. A lot of people will drop at the first sign of trouble.

Probably the best thing to do is join a guild and run with them. Even if it’s not as convenient as PUG grouping, it’ll be better for your sanity.


gearing through pvp is the logical choice in anniversary, yes :expressionless:

The main reason if that you need more people than Ony and more specific roles such as dispels, decurses, banishes, etc. And unless you’re starting with a large committed number (e.g. partial guild run or regular PuG pre scheduled via discord) by the time you fill some people will drop out.

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but what will you use the gear for?

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People tend to take the path of least resistance. If PvP gear means they can kill bosses in PvE content, then they will.

cough GDKP saves the game cough


so people dont pug MC because it’s too hard and they need more gear?

Tons of pugs every weekend.

Go on the Nightslayer discord and check the Horde/Alliance Pugs section.

Lots of groups start LFM a few days ahead.

Didn’t know dungeon finder was for raids, too. I bet I’m not alone in that.


A lot of MC pugs happen through discord

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We’ll run some gdkps for you solos out there

I want to work with others to get hear, not buy it


You have revealed yourself to have likely never done a GDKP. They do take working with others to get gear. If you play legit and don’t swipe the time investment to get geared is comparable to any other loot system.


You misunderstand sir. I want to work with others and then have a fair chance at earning the work I’ve put in to get the loot. Not pay some neckbe ards for it.

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If you like PvP what’s the problem. The OP is demonstrably incorrect to begin with, there are tons of MC pugs all the time. I’ve joined and run them.

Also why do you use the “:expressionless:” emoji so profusely? It’s in every post. I don’t think it needs to be used in every post.

when pvp gear is this easy to get, it detracts from all the PvE loot options :expressionless:

Yes, as easy as MC is, it still takes a competent group of players, and usually requires a competent raid leader, people also need to be adequately geared. Most pugs fail at both of these, the ones that succeed typically are led by a small guild with a solid core of raiders who have a competent leader, if your going to pug, look for one of those, and consider joining their guild if they are willing to accept new members.


Why not gear through dungeons? 8/8 T1 and 4/8 T2 from Reals

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Most people are not 60 yet bro.

You people have unrealistic expectations about how fast people level.