There's a mob in AV on alliance side giving DHKS another way to troll

I haven’t left the town, on a pve server, only have done AV’S today on my toon after reset, says I have a DHK. So apparently there’s a certain mob in AV that’s counting as a DHK. If it gets pulled and killed in the pack of mobs. Lol guess another way to troll people. (I’m horde)

I’m pretty sure there are civilians in AV, are there not?

I do not recall any civlians in AV but I have not been looking hard.

I do not have any DHKs from AV though and I am exalted/r10 from it.

There aren’t any civilians in AV.

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if you have a DHK, you got it somewhere other than AV… did you kill one of the gnomes coming out of Gnomer? Nasty, tricky blizzard making those civs

maybe you had a spell on someone and his health was still ticking down after leaving the bg.

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Like was said AV has no civilians inside. You must have accidentally aoed or tagged a civilian in a quest zone.

Do you do Ashenvale there is a civilian on the road that use to get murdered alot.

I dont know if yall didn’t read…it says “today” I havent left orgrimmar and have only been in AV. So, idk how the heck I got a dhk lol. I’m going to assume its a bug because same thing happened last week but I didn’t get a down rank.

probably a UI bugg??? I would open a ticket imo.

yeah bro has to be because same thing happened last week it said I got a dhk but I ranked up to exactly what ranker said and didn’t lose 10 percent. Then today I had only been in org and AV didn’t leave then it said I got 1 dhk. So I am pretty positive you are correct. @solourmom

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I don’t remember the issue exactly, but I recall someone telling me if you got a DHK at any point even while leveling it always shows as today? Could be another bug. DHKs are always buggy.

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My shaman regularly shows 19 DHK’s earned “today” even though he got them like 3 months ago.

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Literally nobody else in the entire game has received a dhk from AV in SOD…

It’s probably an addon you have downloaded making your UI wonky or something.

Ah that must be it fam could of happen in friggen phase 1 and I never noticed lol

i got 3 today all ive done is av…

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Did you join in a party where someone else got a dk - they are shared to group.

nope soloallday

They often show under lifetime and under today even though they didn’t happen today. Nothing to worry about.

When you get a dhk it instantly lowers your rank so you would notice.

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