<There Will Be Zug> (Mankrik - Horde) recruiting for WOTLK Raiding

Greetings Champions,

is recruiting in preparation for WOTLK! We are a casual guild with progression-minded raiders.

This guild was founded by a group of friends that have been working to build a friendly community.

We do care about performance and check logs, but our main focus is to efficiently clear 25-man raid content while having fun. However, we will be fostering an environment that welcomes participation in 10-man raids, Heroics, PvP, and achievement hunting.

Our raid nights are set for Wed/Thurs 8pm-11:30pm EST (Server Time). We will be using a modified Soft Reserve Loot System that rewards attendance and consistency. We’re always looking for talented players!

Our class/spec priorities are listed below, but we are always looking for players who want to be a part of our community and fill in on raids when needed!

Death Knight - Low
Druid - Low
Hunter - Low
Mage - Medium
Paladin - Low, but looking for a Holy Pally for a main raid spot.
Priest - Low, but looking for a Shadow Priest for a main raid spot.
Rogue - Low, but looking for a second Rogue for a main raid spot.
Shaman - Low, but looking for a Spellhance Shaman for a main raid spot.
Warlock - Medium
Warrior - Medium

Please contact our GM or one of the officers listed below if you’re interested!

Discord/In-game contacts:

Saintdance#8923 (GM) = Saintdance
Bricots#1022 = Thunderaged
Bramse#4541 = Bramstone
Xavorcs#3061 = Xavdak