is recruiting raiders and casual members! We are a semi-hardcore guild with progression-minded raiders looking forward to Ulduar Hard Modes.
We are looking for raiders who care about performance and check logs, but our main focus is to efficiently clear 25-man raid content while still having fun. That said, we also foster an environment that welcomes participation in 10-man raids, Heroics, PvP, and achievement hunting.
We are currently 17/17 including OS 3D on farm. We have been clearing 25s in one night since Week 2, allowing us to use our second raid day for 10m achievement runs.
Our raid nights are Wed/Thurs 8pm-11:30pm EST (Server Time). We are using a modified Soft Reserve Loot System that rewards attendance and consistency with bad luck mitigation, but will be switching to a LootList (non-LC) system for Phase 2!
Our class/spec priorities are listed below, but we are always looking for players who want to be a part of our community and fill in on raids when needed!
Death Knight - Medium, looking for an UH DK!
Druid - None
Hunter - Medium, looking to add a 3rd Hunter!
Mage - Medium
Paladin - Low
Priest - None
Rogue - Low
Shaman - Low, would consider an Elemental Shaman.
Warlock - Low
Warrior - None
Please contact our GM or one of the officers listed below if you’re interested!
Discord/In-game contacts:
Robbiejandro#7458 (Recruiting Officer) = Robbeh
Saintdance#8923 (GM) = Saintdance
Best Yandere#0712 = Novamist