There Will Be No Cata Classic

I see no posts on here clamoring for Cata Classic. People were eagerly anticipating WotLK Classic even before TBC Classic came out. I don’t think Cata was anyone’s favorite expansion. I know it wasn’t my favorite by far. I would rank it just above Shadowlands.


You should look at the alleged survey they sent out for what Cata classic should be. I’m actually pretty excited about it if it’s true. They are fixing a lot of things people hated.


Cata classic is definitely happening and people will play it. I’m still undecided if I want to play Cata or not.


Some of my favorite zones lore-wise were in that expac: Hyjal and Grim Batol so I was kinda disappointed when it got so much hate. I never actually did play it though.


And Coca-Cola is bringing back Coke II.


I’m really uninterested in Cataclysm Classic. In my opinion, Cataclysm was really where the ‘Classic’ era of the game was officially over. It started to vanish with WotLK, but Cataclysm truly finished it off.

The complete revamp of the world. Making all the zones even easier to progress through. The changes to dungeons. None of it “feels” classic or nearly as gripping.

If Cataclysm Classic eventually comes out, I’m sure there will be people happy about it and having fun with it, and I’m happy for them. I won’t be joining them, but I’ll be happy that they’re playing something they’ll enjoy.


Personally I would rather skip straight to MoP if they’re going to continue on from WoTLK.


MoPs waiting room will definitely be happening


MOP is awesome, ill be playing it. Hopefully they use 5.3, because 5.4 is sorta imbalanced.

If they use 5.4 its gonna be way too many windwalkers.,

If they use 5.3, literally everything is good.




Maybe I am in the minority because I quit retail after WOTLK initially but anything post WOTLK does not feel like “classic” to me anymore.


Cataclysm hype !


Every Xpac has its fans. Even cata. And dare I saw WoD if we get that far…

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I think WoW basically should be two games, how it is now. The modern iteration with complex raids and basically no leveling is great for people who like that. WotLK is the capstone on the original “untainted” world of Azeroth, IMO, and so it should continue existing the way it is. Perhaps we’ll all be forced to stick to classic era and that would be a real shame. I love vanilla but I also love soloing vanilla raids.

But like… What happens to progressive classic then? If cata comes out, that’s a road that leads to retail. If they try to “fix the mistakes” of Cata maybe I’ll play it, but I just don’t see how they could. Cata changed the world because the world had to change to make way for the modern gamer. That’s just not who I or many other WoW players are or want to be.

But then… What? Does Blizz let classic stagnate to focus on retail now that the experiment is over? Doubtful. Do they add more horizontal content to wrath? Doubtful, there’s no precedence for it. So it kinda seems like Cataclysm is going to come out… I just don’t know what that means for me or the rest of the playerbase :scream:

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It wasn’t my favorite expansion but it is my favorite main villain. The zones were fun to quest over all and I enjoyed that the game went back to older zones. Just wish it didn’t erase the zones as we knew them.


The road that leads to retail started as early as BC. You can argue earlier but BC is where catch up mechanics took hold. By wrath they were in full swing. I’d argue Cata is the last of the classics as it is the last of the old talent system (even though many people dislike Cata’s talent system).

Blizzard stated so themselves in acknowledging making raid content more available to see after only 1% of the player base entered Naxxramas in og vanilla.


For me, all three Classic versions that we got, were somehow not as fun as I remembered them. I suppose that most of it has to do with the community, people today are just playing in a very “professional” way.

20 years ago, people played for fun and to meet other cultures and nationalities. Now there is so much hostility in our world, all those gear checks and requirements to “prove your worth”.

But I also noticed how poor Classic actually is, when you have no GM´s around. Back in the days, people were banned for terrain exploits. But now, in each WSG you had those guys that just kept exploiting and nobody was there to ban them.

It´s not much different in PVE, so much exploiting and avoiding of mob groups, no matter if it´s yet another shortcut to avoid an additional mob pack or the usage of things like petri flasks.


I don´t need Cata or any other classic refresh, I may try the HC realm, but I guess that´s it for me then.

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There is a slippery slope when it comes to Cata.

Classic to many was before the world revamp that happened with Cata. So we get Cata, then what? Keep going every few years? We’re going to get Classic Dragonflight in ten years?

There needs to be a stopping point.


Does there though?

I don’t know that it would be 10 years before we see dragonflight again but EQ is doing current expansions and progression realms….

I could very much see WoW doing this too. Would be nice if they would launch a fresh server every now and then though. As well as some era servers for each era but I get them not wanting to.

I agree with others saying Cata will happen only to get us to MoP. And that’s the end I feel. WoD/Legion there seemed to be a lot of regrets, with Legion giving everyone artifacts. The triple digit level cap. And by no means does WoD Classic ever roll off the tongue or even sound plausible. Even to bridge us to Legion. MoP and Done.