There needs to be equal action against players who just randomly report people to disrupt their game

If you believe that Blizzard has given the entire playerbase the power to ban each other with zero evidence of any wrongdoing by simply getting together a few people to report someone, you are absolutely entitled to believe that. Just don’t expect people who care about reality to join you in that belief.

Why would I need to open a ticket?

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i dont think i opened any tickets in the past 10 years…

I guess I kinda opened a ticket when I needed to get some gear I vendored back for Herald of the Titans. I think it was 5 months ago and the loot recovery system is automated and worked perfectly fine. I don’t even know if you could call that a “ticket”.

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I mean, it’s not that wild at all. In fact, that’s how both systems work on the forums.
You’re only allowed a certain number of reports in a given timeframe and trying to game the report system will net you a bigger ban than almost anything else you can do on the forums.

There definitely is an automatic system in place, this was implemented into retail and was carried over to classic, asmongold tested this out by having his followers mass report to where he got a 3 day ban for not breaking the ToS.

He wasn’t banned for being mass-reported. This has been covered literally hundreds of times…

Unless it affects you. Because getting help from customer service is awful experience. They should also refund any lost days of illegitimate ban.

Quit doing shady stuff. Probably exploiting something and you know you shouldnt have been doing it. It a game. Quit trying to cheat they system and just play.

Yet if you do this with the police enough they do in fact charge you for harrassment. Imagine that people being held accountable for atrocious behavior.

The problem is the automation, which to an extent is fine, but in NO WAY should it be the reason someone is banned. ALL bans should be looked at by an actual person of integrity. Good luck with that though.

Misusing or abusing the report system on the forums or in game can lead to a suspension.

There is no automatic ban system from player reports, I am 100% certain of this. Players can automatically squelch other players (chat mute) when an unspecified number of unique reports crosses a threshold within an unspecified period of time. This automatic chat mute has been in the game since May 2007.

Players cannot ban other players. I don’t know why people think Blizzard would implement an automatic ban system that has never been shown to ever work on a single bot, and can seemingly only be used when a large group of players conspire to ban an innocent player.

When’s the last time your report caused a bot to go offline because it was banned? Surely one of us would have witnessed this phenomenon? Let’s say hypothetically it takes 20 reports to ban someone. Why have none of of witnessed this happening to bots? It only takes a very tiny amount of critical thinking to cast doubt on this “automatic ban” conspiracy theory the community conjured up.

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They say that but I haven’t heard of anyone having this happen to them.

It legit happened to Asmon when he did his “reports get you banned video”
he wasn’t auto banned, he was banned for encouraging others to misuse the system. That’s iirc what got his account actioned.

The absolute most the automated system does is squelch a player in chat channels till the reports can be reviewed by a human.

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Idk much about it only that he got banned for something and got unbanned because he’s a streamer right after­.

Misuse of the report system.

Can’t speak to this…but likely.

It happened to me on the forums some time ago. I’m not gonna explain what I was doing but they caught me.

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You forget that mass report is just a “not automated system” that just “automates” you off line and silences you. Reviewing which of those actually are real or not takes a person which requires a pay check which means it isn’t happening in this game. Unless maybe some time in the far far future, years lets say, you get banned for something from like 2018 in 2026.

They don’t care about moderating the game. They just use automated systems to keep super “gamer” words that could be put in new feeds showing they let it happen in there game. Or some sort of automated warden software that IDs the absolute worse bots and players though repetition of repeated offenses that gives people a couple weeks off.

At this point its probably just best to get used to it.

Blizzard has never claimed there isn’t an automatic chat mute. To the contrary, they somewhat frequently talk about it on the CS forum:

I am glad you confirmed my statement. The can be appealed part is the interesting bit. It can be. But turn around on tickets is often 72+ hours. With a 24 hour squelch you see how its often that time simply runs out before any appeal actually happens.

Your post I responded to implied you believe the system for squelches and bans/suspensions is the same. Players can squelch (mute) each other with enough unique reports. Players cannot ban other players.

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