There needs to be a major rollback

Seriously, I don’t understand this thread.

How does crafting affect meters? And how did the initial argument go from:



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You can buy boosts and carries with gold people are making a ton of gold with this exploit.

The faction rep also give very high item level crafts and gear.

And… you can buy gold with cash and get your boosts and carries that way. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill. If Blizz feels there was some kind of exploit that needs correcting, they’ll correct it. You don’t need to whine about it.

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It’s ridiculous. Today’s generation worries more about everybody else than themselves. I guess it’s the product of social media.

Just silly.


By doing this exploit people have access to things no one else will have for weeks that includes gear and enchants that you can only get from rep this is a major problem.

So you’re pro-cheater?

Good take bucko.




Let me explain since you can’t connect the dots very well but I got you.

If everyone starts off at a similar pace, the dps stays very similar.

If a handful of people start exploiting (and when your playerbase is in the millions a handful is ALOT)

Those players just acquired an ilvl that wasn’t supposed to be obtained yet.

Therefore, we are no longer are on even playing fields.

Are you against fairness?

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bro idk what ur even trying to say anymore

are u upset that some people can craft better items than u? because it really doesn’t matter in a week.

It’s a lot more than that since the exploits literally allowed multiple acquisition of high 380+ gear by exploiting content.

But if you think it’s only affecting crafting.

Go off king.

nah this doesn’t affect me at all as a pver. idk why it would.

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It does, your comrades are stronger than you, you are lower on the meters.

If you don’t care about stuff like that, thats fine, I’m not telling you to care.

But you should let others care :wink:

All i care about is damage and i push high keys. I’m going to get my gear regardless. So no, it doesn’t matter how others get their gear. and it doesn’t matter FOR SURE that they’re getting preraid bis gear that literally means nothing when I can spam M+

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Me not sleeping multiple nights this week trying to stay ahead of the competition ruined by exploiters lol. Oh well, that’s life.

You are horribly misinfored big sir.

They arent epxloiting preraid bis gear…


Thats what normals are dropping.

Keep up bucko

omg normal level gear?! u mean the 2 slots that u get that have bad stats on them? and the ring that has really bad secondary stats that will be insta replaced as well from M+ / the raid?

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yes, normal raid level gear. that isnt pre-raid bis.

See how you are still misinformed? with the exploit you can get multiple other items, the exploit isnt tied to certain item slots because the rewards can be randomized.

please keep up. i know its hard.

No, I think you’re misinformed here actually for caring about this. I’m sorry to tell you, you’re not missing anything at all by not farming this gear. It’s pointless. It will be replaced in a week. People are literally doing it out of bordem.

And this is coming from someone who WILL push higher keys than you week 1.

Pointless to you doesn’t mean pointless to the people discussing it.

Everything i said has been factual, all you have is “i dont care”

I usually push around +25 (ended last season 2700/2800 rating)

If you can push higher than me, you ain’t pushing much further.

Sorry bucko.

I promise you it literally does not matter to anyone who is decent at the game. I’m going to push higher keys than you week 1 and i literally could careless about getting some preraid bis gear that will make me do 300 more dps for some +2 dungeon so I can get upgrades.