There it is, BM getting the correct adjustment next Tuesday


  • Beast Mastery
    • The Liberation of Undermine 2-piece set bonus has been adjusted – Barbed Shot now fires at 100% (was 200%).
    • The Liberation of Undermine 4-piece set bonus has been adjusted - Potent Mutagen damage reduced by 50% and reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.25 seconds (was 0.5 seconds).
    • All ability and pet damage increased by 10%.

So this reverts the 8% nerf, and gives us a 2% buff, and then addresses the set-bonus which we all knew was busted and really the problem that the spec had in terms of outperforming.

I much rather they take this approach then hit the spec, which would suffer outside of the set-bonus.

At least this happened quickly and not mid-season.

It’s actually about a 4.5-5.5% buff

How so?

From Azorthian

  1. Significant Beast Mastery Hunter Buff

Updated for the second round of changes. See the screenshot.

It is worth around ~4-5%.

[Sim Link](h


[AoE Sim Link](h


2.The +10% Buff Alone is worth more than 10% in these sims because certain pet effects exist under multiple “auras” being buffed, and are therefore double-dipping on the buff.* (edited)

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Its a 5% buff to the full bis profile, base its more, but the tier set was also nerfed and it like a 17% increase instead of a 23% increase.