There is no way around needing Zen Flight revamp

It’s a completely dead ability in DF and will be completely dead in the rest of the world when they convert old world to dragon riding.


While I agree it needs some love, it’s not going to become a dead ability if/when they add dragonriding to the rest of the world. They’re not going to just ditch regular flight. In fact, it’s supposed to come to the Dragon Isles at some point. My guess is in 10.2 (unless, of course, they’ve been lying to us again about adding flight).

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The 3 things it needs imo

  1. just to go faster
  2. to act as a slowfall in areas you cant fly
  3. to float on water in areas you cant fly

If they did that, i would love the ability


Basically a self cast only Priest levitate in areas you can’t fly

Why can’t they just make zen flight our dragonriding mount, enabling dragonriding abilities while in Zen Flight form, and call it a day?


Why do I love but also hate this idea all at once.

I am just picturing that old school goku cloud image.

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That would be a ton of fun!

They do already have disc mounts, they can just add that dragon riding animation to our zen cloud whenever they make it

why still cant use zen flight in dl D:

i use it literally every day lol. i’m thinking maybe you haven’t unlocked flying in the dragon isles with the pathfinder achievement?

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I wouldn’t mind if it’s a bit speedier, but i like it for what it is. there are lots of abilities and things you can use from your cloud (play around with it), and i love fishing on my cloud too. I love that it’s an instant mount, and it’s really nice for foraging and stuff too.

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this is an alt, do i need to unlock on this one too?
