There is literally nothing wrong with redeeming Sylvanas

She’s literally one of the MAIN VILLAINS of the expansion and one of the main facilitators of its entire premise, why would she get away unpunished?

The worst writers on planet earth could not manage such a miracle.

Like, they’d have to actually try to write something so bad.

Effort which the current team is incapable of putting forth.

And you know this…how?! Also, multiple characters are capable of delivering justice, our PCs included.

You keep saying that, but not only is your argument based on assumption, but also just not founded in reality. Like, we have NEVER let a Villain in this franchise just “walk away unscathed”. Not Illidan, not Arthas, not Garrosh, not Deathwing, not Kael’thas, not Kil’jaeden, not Gul’dan, not even Sargeras. Why do you honestly believe that Sylvanas is going to be the FIRST and ONLY character to ever be an made an exception to this rule?

She dies a Martyr, Elesa. We acknowledge that despite her immense misdoings, she did the right thing in the end, and then she remains a memory.

I don’t know why that’s hard for you to grasp.


Clearly the whole writing team isn’t as enamored with Sylvanas as you think, or she wouldn’t have been made a major antagonist for two whole expansions.

Ok, there’s expecting the worst and then there’s doomsaying. What you do is declare that the literal absolute worst case scenario will occur(Sylvanas redemption/absolution, Tyrande dying and Nelves being forgotten, ect.) with absolute certainty despite having literally 0 evidence or indication within the story that events will unfold in such a way.

Listen, I know it’s difficult to trust the current writers, but what you suggest will happen is completely off-the-walls insane. Not only are they breaking a narrative tradition that’s been established since the franchise begun, but then are also assuming that a character who had very recently had suffered massive tragedy is going to be axed off in pursuing justice for said tragedy.

That’d be like if someones’ village was massacred and burned down and the last survivor was killed off because they wanted to get revenge on the perpetrator. Like, the victim is being punished even more because they yearn for justice on those who wrought said tragedy upon them. It’s completely insane and I don’t think even the worst writers on the planet could pull off something so stupid.


That’s a challenge accepted for the current WoW Writers.

Because Sylvanas is the previous queen of the head writer, and they already went and called Sylvanas things such as “not evil” despite commiting a genocide so…

Did you mean to reply to someone else?

More like a villain sue for two expansions, and then she goes back to being a hero while facing zero punishments.

Yea, and you don’t expect the current writers to do this to a race they dislike this much? And even if Tyrande doesn’t die, if she forgives Sylvanas and loses her powers, what’s the point of having her still around? Those writers are capable of making Finel a quest mob for Horde players to kill whenever there’s another faction war expansion.

We can just agree to disagree, you’ll see eventually that they are more than capable of doing this.

To quote Talkaar,

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imagine getting into lengthy arguments about sylvanas and teldrassil in year of our lord 2021

i hope sylvanas gets redeemed so all the annoying people shut up


That, I can assure you, will have the opposite effect.


I just want us all to burn together. Sylvy gets redeemed, the rebellion was objectively wrong, Baine has been playing us all along, he and Anduin have secretly been working for the even more secretive, even more mastermindery ultra-evil Giga-Satan, who needed Teldrassil for his Machiavellian plans. And we now all have to rally around Nomi’s banner to burn as much food as possible for AZEROTH!!!


well the alternative is that they go completely nutso and that’s funny too.

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I’d say that the alternative is the state the forums were in during 2018. Except a hundred times worse, and possibly lasting forever. Whether you like that or not is up to you, but I would prefer for it not to happen.

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Sylvanas needs to die and Tyrande needs to be the one who ends her.

I’m not opposed to her finally accepting that what she has done is wrong and is repentant over it before meeting her end, but she still needs to die at the hands of a Night Elf.

The NE player base desperately needs a definitive ‘win’ after the atrocity that was BfA and the best way to do that and give them proper closure is in letting them get the killing blow and finally getting real justice for what happened to them.


I dunno, they basically wrote Illidan out of the story until they need him again, and he’s more iconic/marketable than Sylvanas is. Granted, there are differences, but given that Illidan’s character arc is resolved more or less, who’s to say they won’t do the same for Sylvanas?

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Except for the mob of Night Elf fanatics hounding for her blood.

Kind of hard since he is most likely in the Maw now.

Elesana alt confirmed.



i ask me, will we see him again? i mean, if sylvanas didn´t care about him, and think everything is fates desiccion, even who we love, she would feeling nothing toward nathanos,because its not her “free will”

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I am pretty sure it was a one sided love, she never seemed to see him as anything more than her most useful tool.

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Dark Mirror heavily implies otherwise, but maybe that is just me.

Didn’t Arthas do bad things even before the helm of domination even entered the picture?


Part of it being a seemingly somewhat widespread belief that just because there was no real viable cure during the culling, he did nothing wrong. I think people need to actually imagine themselves having to agree to personally smash the faces of innocent people in even if its “for the greater good”. He did not respect objections to a literal “kill everyone in the city” order at all, even from his mentor. He just right went into it with more limited knowledge than we the players have with barely any sense of “Oh god, I really have to do this, I’m so sorry…”

I think the closest that could be considered bad was betraying mercenaries. Some would say Culling Stratholme, but the population was infected already.

I’d say betraying the mercenaries and the Culling of Stratholme definitely are on Arthas, as he wasn’t corrupted or anything at all when both happened. And I believe both would earn him a place in Revendreth if he was judged by the Arbiter correctly.

If all his actions once he picked up Frostmourne, and then the Helm of Domination, then I think he DEFINITELY ends up in Revendreth with a lot more to repent for.

No matter how you slice it Arthas deserved to go to Revendreth, it’s just whether it’s for just his actions pre-corruption or all his actions before being Lich King and after being the Lich King.