"There is a known GPU driver issue that can cause very slow first time game launches while shaders are built.."


I had a popup when opening WoW today that said “There is a known GPU driver issue that can cause very slow first time game launches while shaders are built for the first time. This process can take several minutes” . My FPS was at basically 0 and I let my character sit there for about 20 minutes and there’s no improvement. I tried updating my GPU drivers (Geforce Game Ready Driver 552.12 - I have a GeForce RTX 3060). I also did the Scan and Repair on WoW but I still am unable to play the game. Any advice? This popup came randomly, I was playing yesterday with no issues and there was no recent GPU driver updates until after the popup. Thanks!

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im having the same issue. havnt logged onto retail for 6 months but was playing sod the last week or so with no issues. came here looking for a fix and sad that no one replies to your thread in 9 days. cmon blizzard

That issue actually applies to AMD Radeon graphics cards. Do you have a 13th or 14th generation Intel processor by chance

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This issue just started for me 3 days ago out of nowhere - seemingly the worst in Vald… but yeah, takes forever for everything to “catch up” and my FPS to change from 10 back to 60+

I’ve been hunting for what the heck happened in the last 3 days, but I’m not seeing a dang thing.

This is still a problem. I have a 3080 Ti and I am getting 10 fps. Disabled addons, and nothing.

Unplayable. What is going on? Can we get a tech response?

Check your max fore and background fps settings within WoW. Sometimes Geforce Experience(it automatically edits game config file settings for you, if you let it) gets them backwards and sets the foreground fps limit to 8, which is normally what the background fps limit gets set to.

I did. They are unchecked. It seems it also happened to my HoTS game. So, I am rolling back a driver to a more stable version.

I’ll report back if there are some stability issues

If you also use GPU tweakers like Afterburner or other similar apps, double check the power limit settings and if anything, revert the entire card back to stock defaults. This is a known bug that Nvidia has brought up in some of the driver releases. Basically, your GPU can get stuck in a really lower power mode until you reset the settings. EDIT: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5408/

If that doesn’t fix it, do a DDU reinstall of the drivers.

You… you… I need to give you a hug or high five. I opened up my Afterburner and selected one of my profiles that I tweaked before. My current settings:

Core Voltage: +0
Power Limit: 79%
Temp Limit: 78c

Fixed it in Heroes of the Storm and WoW.

I was wondering if you have any settings you’d like to share that work for you?



Glad it fixed it for you! And I’d recommend putting the power limit to 100%, since that’s the stock max wattage. Just play it safe and click the load defaults button and then click apply. Should do everything you need for you, you can probably reload other profiles you’ve used after that, but the defaults is just to play it extra safe by making sure every value(even under the hood values that don’t show up on the Afterburner UI) get defaulted.

Most games aren’t going to hammer that 100% limit unless your FPS is uncapped or something. Playing retail WoW at 1080p on max settings, gsync+vsync capped to 120fps(116 technically due to reflex) and I don’t think I’ve seen this rtx2080 go above 50% of its max wattage limit, even in the most demanding of loads.

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