There hasn’t been a new BG or Arena since MoP

Has blizzard forgotten PvP or is it no longer a priority? PvP has died out in recent years and I think a lack of new BG or Arena shows a drop in interest.


Disgusting company. They released the old Alterac Valley last week for a limited few days, its so much more fun than the current AV, yet they keep intentionally shafting pvp players for their own amusement.

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They announced a new BG for TWW, called The Ringing Deeps.

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LoL bro I wish PvE players were getting shafted the same way so I can turn around and say “10 years of no new raids but d/w 12 months from now you can pay $60 to get a single new raid”

Dang, I didn’t really paid much attention for TWW stuff. That’s nice that blizzard is finally adding a BG. It’s been forever.

It’s definitely been way too long since they added a new BG. The last one was Seething Shore and… well… yeah…

I’m curious to try out Battleground Blitz, but I haven’t really PVP’d since WOD and would get absolutely crushed without a PVP set.

Edit: added some I forgot

MOP - new bg
Legion - new arena map
BFA - new arena map + BG
SL - new arena map
DF - new arena map

I get your point though

I completely forgot about Seething Shore. It was so disliked that some people forgot about it lol.

Yeah I forgot about the stuff in SL and BfA. It just feels like the last true BG was in MoP. And I don’t think Ashran from WoD counts.

We did also get an arena map in DF. Nokhudon Proving Grounds. Though it’s thematically pretty uninteresting.

We also got Ashran and Skirmishes in WoD(I believe?), Solo Shuffle in SL and Battleground Blitz in DF, which I would argue is a lot more impactful than a new BG or Arena Map.

Of course it counts. It’s a BG Map and at the time was an entire Zone.
Your like or dislike for it doesn’t impact that.

I think it’s only as impactful as someone playing the same CoD maps by themselves as opposed to a premade with regards to map variety.

We got Solo Shuffle and we are testing for Battleground Blitz I’d rather have these 2 modes then new maps that will suck like the last few they added.

but like, there has been new stuff since mop?

WoD had ashran, legion had at least one arena and technically a bg though its arguable it was a bfa one, bfa had the boralus docks and zuldazar arena, shadowlands had a bastion themed arena, df has the nokhud grounds.

Last time blizz made a BG they made the worst one in ages lmao

Yea they have. But your title is incorrect. You really think Seething Shore came out in MoP? MoP means Mists of Pandaria. Blizz killed off arenas on purpose simply by removing arena teams which caused the arena carries to become 10x easier and now most Wrath arenas are not going on since the way to get to R1 is to get over 3.9k rated.

But both BFA and SL added new stuff to arenas.

So with what I have said there, your title is 100% incorrect.

Start to play the game before you comment on how changes need to be made on how it is played.

You dont even PvP so ofc you would not know if any changes to PvP have been made.

Oh so then there has been a new map on every expansion

MOP - new bg
Legion - new arena map
BFA - new arena map + BG
SL - new arena map
DF - new arena map

Yeah, so OP is based on a erroneous premise. That being said, I wouldn’t have minded an additional BG at some point; considering Seething Shore is kinda lame.