There are too many errors in your UI. As a result

I play a load of healers, and use lots of addons and weakauras. For months I’ve been getting this message regularly: “There are too many errors in your UI. As a result, your game experience may be degraded. Disable or update the failing addons if you don’t want to see this message again.” I also update my addons a few times a day, so that is not the source of the problem.

Now that we have this new UI, I’d hoped not using MoveAnything and Dominos would help. These two addons were a big part of my UI and I had thought, the source of a lot of the UI problems. As it turns out the errors continue. And on one of my toons, there seems to be some micro stutter that comes and goes whenever I play the game. I did not have this before this new UI.

In the end it would be nice to fix these errors once and for all but I do not know what to do. Furthermore, I am worried that doing anything like a reset or deletion of folders will undo the work I have done with endless tweaking of my UI to get it just the way I like it.

With this new UI I have been able to mostly copy what I had before it with a lot of work. However with the UI errors it seems I am back at square one–wherein I feel like I might lose all of my setup and settings if I reset everything or whatever.

I’m not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I play the game on a few computers and used to copy the entire “Retail” folder from computer to computer, but the systems are actually different. I have recently found that only copying the Interface and WTF folders seem to do the trick but wonder if the main source of problems might have been copying the entire Retail folder over from system to system. I think this might be a source of problems if the system data was copied over from one computer to another having done this–hence I am worried the game software might think it is running on a different system. And that that might be cause for errors.

The source of these problems is far beyond my ability to fix. What should I do so as to not lose my settings and UI just the way I like it, but so as to fix these incessant error messages and their causes?

Any help would be appreciated.

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I don’t have a solution for you, but many of my add-ons are broken, too. Bartender, MoveAnything, Recount, & WeizePvP are kablooey. Add-on updates and the new Edit mode didn’t help. I’m not playing or giving Blizzard any money until I hear these issues are gone.


Bartender has been updated and is doing it’s job. i.e. Removing as much of the new UI as possible, because it SUCKS.

Wowhead also has an article dedicated to restoring the old UI.

Looks a bit complicated to me, buy I might give it a try.

Can’t wait to see the latest Taliesin and Evitel wowhead video, where they cover the #$%@ show of the week. It just has to be the UI!!!


I’d guess it’s one of more of your addons that are causing this. Doesn’t matter whether you check for updates regularly there are a ton that are still broken or flat out haven’t been updated for 10.0 yet. I haven’t found a databroker addon (like Bazooka, Buttonbin, etc) that is 100% working again. They are either not updated yet or still throwing errors.

Do you run Bugsack and Buggrabber? They will tell you where the LUA errors are occurring so you can pinpoint which addon(s) are misbehaving. Although sometimes the error is caused by another addon that hooks a function that is used by the addon reporting the error so you can get some misleading reports it’s better than nothing.

I’d also be wary of the weakauras. Have you been updating the auras themselves? Not just the Weakaura addon. Considering how many talents have changed drastically I’d be amazed if the weakauras won’t be having problems. I’m not sure how elegantly Weakauras will handle that.

I have no Addons active and i get the same lua error which resets any work i do organizing my UI.
Interface/FrameXML/EditModeManager.lua:842: bad argument #1 to ‘pairs’ (table expected, got nil)
PartyFrame:SetPoint(): Couldn’t find region named ‘CompactRaidFrameManager’
Interface/FrameXML/EditModeManager.lua:803: attempt to index field ‘accountSettingMap’ (a nil value)
These three over and over again I can’t play with this disorienting line up. Even trying to restore to the old UI just snap resets to the new and gives me this error.
WTF Blizz just once can something work

This gets a lot worse. After just logging in, all of my new Edit UI settings are gone. And I literally spent hours and hours tweaking to get them just right, and similar to before this new UI.

I too am going to simply not buy any more game time when it runs out in a few days. This new UI is obviously not to be trusted.

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The only way to really stop this is to do a full UI reset. You are trying to bail out a sinking ship. If you’ve been getting warnings about errors for months it isn’t just 10.0 that broke things.

Trying to troubleshoot lua errors is possible, but there’s no streamlined or easy way to do it, especially if you have a large amount of problems . It’s unrealistic to think that you can fix this by troubleshooting, imo, but you could ask for help in the UI and macro forum or elsewhere and see if anyone comes up with anything.

Moving the retail folder from computer to computer wouldn’t cause any problems. The interface and wtf folders are where computer specific information would be stored along with your other UI info.

Regarding the saving of the UI Edits:
Make sure you turn off all your addons!

See if that fixes it if it doesn’t then you have to go the hard route:

Exit the game.
Find your wow retail folder.
Rename cache to cache-today’s date
(ex: cache-10282022)
Rename wtf to wtf-today’s date
(ex: wtf-10282022)
Rename interface to interface-today’s date
(ex: interface-10282022)

Make sure you exit out of your client completely.
Either use task manager to make sure it closed, or restart your PC.

Start your client as Administrator.
Do a scan and repair using the client
Then restart the game and log into your character.

You will notice you have no addons!
Your screen configuration may be different reverted back to basic look.

Next you want to go to options/graphics and look for Use UI scale.
Put a check mark in that and lower it to 64.
(It will shrink all the items on the screen).

Close this panel and go into Edit Mode.
Make any changes you would like and save them.

Log out of your character after every major change you make.
This is the way you know if it failed to save.

(A guildie of mine was having trouble saving his changes to the chat window when he moved it away from the corner, it would pop back to the corner after he logged out, so rather than move it we reshaped it in the corner then logged out and saved that, then we were able to move it when he logged back in and it kept the configuration.)

Once you are done with all the changes go back to the Use UI scale in graphics and raise it up until you feel comfortable with the scale.

Next you can re-add addons.

Slowly update your addons to ensure they are all working and do not break the UI.
Anything that is older and hasn’t been upgraded should be avoided until they do.

If you feel confident about all your addons working, you can revert the rename of interface-today’s date.

Rename Interface to Interface-Clean
Rename Interface-10282022 to Interface

Log out - log back in look for any warnings about an addon being old or out of date if there are those addons should be turned off until they are updated.

At this point you have all your addons but they are not configured so you will have to reconfigure them, there are ways to copy individual configurations but honestly it doesn’t pay in the long run its easier to just start fresh.

Good luck.

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I simply redid my UI and am happy it did not take too long the second time round.

If you are also having this problem, that is, if your UI saves are vanishing and it is resetting, then I think the easy solution is to just save your UI to a text file.

The way to do this is to just go to Edit Mode and then to the layout mode drop down menu. Then hit “Share” at the bottom to copy it to your clipboard. Then go to Notepad in Windows and paste it there. Then you will have a saved copy of it.

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