There Are No ‘Beta Keys’ for WoW Classic

Looking forward to the game and hoping I get into the beta! Will we receive an email about it or will it only pop up in the bnet launcher?

Thanks Blizz, always ahead of the game to tell players there are no Beta Keys, Excited to play this in August <3

Hey Bliz are there any beta keys for players who are not streamers?

Trying to enter my first post on this toon.

Don’t I look handsome?

Have a nice day everyone!

PS I’ve been invited to betas in the past and I never get an invite for about the 1st week or two once beta starts. Still hoping that will be the case this time.

anymore beta invites going out at some point??

Beta invites have gone out, my buddy just got his last night. Check the drop down arrow beside the “Play” button on bnet screen. I am not trolling.

I’m sure they will add as needed but he did not get an email, just saw the option available and he is not a streamer.

ik they went out but im saying like when is the next waves of invites heading out

Is the automated system failing to post an email sometimes? I know people have received emails, but a lot apparently haven’t.

They did it with MOP, and it went terribly

No kidding, it was a debacle when it was all over with.

Idk if it was asked before, sorry if it has been.

Do you need to have a sub in order to get chosen to join the beta, or do you get invited but if you would want to play it you would need a sub? Big difference.

Only reason I resubscribed was for access and to play on clasic realms. The nostalgia, plus excitement of day one launch brought me back to play this wonderful game of my childhood. Your current adaptation has gone beyond necessity of what this game was about. I wish to return to the community where one’s reputation is based on social interaction, not: Que, complete, repete.


Rather than having us all need to opt-in for every beta test, could y’all add a check box which would allow us to up into beta tests for all future and current products?

What my spouse and I would still like clarification on do you need to have an active sub to get selected for the beta and stress tests or just be sub or resub if to participate if selected for the beta. It is very vague and you can read it each way.

We started playing Wow at launch. Stayed sub and played all the way up to Cataclysm which we did not like. Tried the more current retail and it is just not what we fell in love with and greatly enjoyed for all those years, far from it. We are looking forward to going home again in August, but love love to get in the beta before then being to classic vets and help out testing.

i still think there favoritism streamers

yes you have to have active sub

No one really explains why this is actually a problem in anything but the extremely short term.

I see benefits to doing it, but I see no drawbacks. It just sounds like people wanted something and didn’t get it. Then they get mad because they don’t care what’s the best way to do things, they care about their feelings.

I’m not against having less streamers and more regular players. It just feels like there’s a lot of “streamers are bad because they took my spot” sensationalism going on, when that’s honestly not statistically true.

If they were planning to invite [This Many] people in the first wave no matter what, then just as many of us would be left in the cold.


i hope i get in :frowning:

I just subbed for 6 months give me some love. :stuck_out_tongue: